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Rock Hardcheese

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Community Answers

  1. Hey there. Trying to add games individually/manually to a Platform Category playlist, but all I can do is use Auto-populate in the editor. When I try to right click and highlight "Add to Playlist", the playlist I created under my platform category does not show up as an option. It just shows "New Playlist". This presents a problem for me because some fighting games fall under the genre of "Action", instead of "Fighting", so I can't use Auto-populate because it would flood my fighting section with action games if I use the action parameter for Auto-populate genre. Appreciate any help!
  2. Figured it out. Seems "Loading game"/start game screen doesn't play friendly with steam games. Turned it off and now the video stops when starting a game. Worked for what was happening for me. Hope this helps others.
  3. Please, anyone. I tested more steam games and it does it with A LOT of steam games(metal slug 3, samurai shodown, etc). I can't tell if it's pin-pointed to just window-borderless now. It just seems when games start up on steam, bigbox kicks in again instead of stopping which causes the video to play...it super sucks...
  4. Specifically this problem persists on one game I can speak of, but I think it happens with others, I just can't remember which ones. The game in question is Street Fighter 6. Whenever I start this game for its first boot-up, bigbox will play the game video in the background. Even if I go to Menu->Stop Video->Start Game, it will still do it. If I boot the game up a second time, it won't do it. So, to explain the behavior I see in relation to how the game boots up, it acts like this : steam screen indicating game is starting up -> game window appears -> game window disappears -> bigbox back in foreground for split second -> game goes full-screen in foreground now. If you know the settings of Street Fighter 6, there is no option to true full-screen the game...only borderless window. So, I think borderless window games are the main culprit. It's definitely not because it's a steam game or anything, other steam games don't act this way. For added details, I am running on BigBox 10.1 to run Nesica2020. Anyway...anyone have a solution, or should I just delete videos for the specific Steam Games that act this way? Appreciate it!
  5. Yea, I needed it to run Nesica2020 theme. Doesn't work on newly update BigBox. Yea, the bigbox doesn't update with launchbox updates. I asked for roll-back, and they obliged. Very awesome of them. Figured it out though, in case anyone falls into this predicament. Just re-download launchbox and copy/paste license and be sure to install in a separate folder from any roll-backed Bigbox. It came with new BigBox so it works now.
  6. Hey there, Stupid question, but I've been googling for answers and forum searching for a while and can not find an answer. So, I've asked the developers for a 10.1 version of BigBox solely to run the NesicaXLive 2020 theme, and I am very grateful for them passing me the version of bigbox needed to run it. Now, I'd like to see what the newest updated themes and what option bigbox has in store in new updates. I'd like to do it seperately so the BigBox 10.1 version doesn't get replaced. Problem is, I can not find a way to update BigBox. So, I am stuck with the previous version is seems for the time-being. It isn't a matter of renewal, since I've purchased a Forever license. My launchbox is updated to 13.14. Any one know how to get an updated BigBox, preferably quarantined from 10.1 so it doesn't erase it (I have Nesica theme just how I want it, and it takes some damn effort)? Also, throwing this out there as another question...How about disabling the Launchbox Update question from Bigbox so it doesn't pop-up? Appreciate anyone's time. Thank you!
  7. Hell yea! Can't wait to see this 100%. I've been using 2020 theme, and that was great work, but I am stuck using 10.0 BigBox to use it. Appreciate your work!
  8. I appreciate the response. I also appreciate the effort you put into FauxVert. It would be a great template to use to solve these problems. It is essentially what I want in the post for Default and Vertical Aspirations. I don't have programming experience, or video image editing experience or anything like that, so I am pretty stuck. I do not know how to bulk video edit or bulk image edit, sadly. If you want to know the games I'm having problems with, they are: Raiden III mikado maniax Bullet Soul Hikato Doujin published games And EVERY Triangle Services games. It's displayed in the images above. They are always sandwiched. It's like they never accounted for portrait mode, ever. There may be more off my head, but at this moment I can't recall. If you need to know the best shmups that are compatible with Portrait mode, they are: Dodonpachi collection Ikaruga Crimson Clover City Connection published games (though I am having a problem with them starting in the background, rather than starting jn the foreground) Raiden Dx collection All of the BitWave vertical catalog. And Castle Shikagami (though, like city connection games, runs in the background of the front-end). DanMaku works, but it always pops up a config window, which makes using keyboard to start the game essential.
  9. So, as you can see above, this is the problem with some Steam/PC shmups. They are incompatible with 9:16 displays/portrait/vertical displays. They do have the options to rotate the game in menu, but it assumed your screen is default 16:9/Landscape/horizontal, and you'd physically flip the screen. Triangle Service shmups being the biggest Offender. This is what Vertical Aspirations (my favorite and so far best vertical theme) and default theme look when 9:16/Portrait/vertical. This is what Vertical Aspirations and default theme look like on 16:9/Landscape/horizontal. This image is FauxVert. This theme has the right idea. The display is still 9:16/portrait/vertical, along with the control mapping, but the Windows setting is 16:9/landscape/horizontal...so by having this function, I could keep the display settings in 16:9/Landscape/horizontal while having a functional 9:16/vertical front-end which totally remedies the Steam/PC shmup game problem.....BUT the problem with FauxVert is two things. According to its notes I'd have to flip ALL images to fit (that's 200 games) and also, it doesn't seem to display videos, but if it does, that means I'd have to flip my videos as well. So, what I am asking is, is there any way to Rotate the controls and lay-out of Default to work 9:16/vertical on 16:9/landscape/horizontal display settings? I'd more so rather use Vertical Aspirations like that, but I would be satisfied with Default. They both work vertically, that is 100% known, but windows diplay settings HAVE to be Portait mode. I guess one more example is, I would like the function of what the offending shmups can do...A setting that allows a 90 degree rotation of the front-end, display and control-wise, while the screen is horizontal.
  10. Hey there. So, I have a predicament I would like to resolve. I have a Vertical cab that is Shmup based. Steam/PC shmups have a very small library of games that are compatible with Windows Portrait/vertical display mode. So, because of this, I have been trying to use Landscape mode instead, and just rotate games through the games menus. Problem is, the number of Landscape compatible Vertical themes is very slim...The only one i can find that will actually rotate BigBox through Landscape display is FauxVert made by C-Beats. It says in his notes that all images and videos should be rotated for it to work properly. Is there an easy way to rotate all game videos and images to make it work? All of the images displayed through the theme are flipped sideways, and Videos don't even display. Maybe the theme does not do videos? Thank you! Edit: I know default theme will flip to vertical if Windows is set to Portrait/vertical, so, if there is a way to rotate the default theme to be viewed verically on a landscape/horizontal windows display setting, let me know. That will absolutely work for me.
  11. Hey. I think it's subsided. It was probably multiple updates taking forever to settle down (windows update, LB update, and steam updates along with steam game updates). It's not doing it anymore. It was just happening mutliple times, so I guess I, just had updates multiple times eating my disk read/write and RAM. My apologies. Thank you for the reply!
  12. Hey there. Running Bigbox off 10.1 as asked by admins which I am very grateful for. I use 10.1 bigbox due to needing it to run Nesica2020 theme. It took me a solid 2 weeks to get everything running very well and set up with all the banners. For a while everything was working well. Then the launchbox update happened and all of a sudden, all my videos take forever to load, or don't load and bigbox freezes for a while. I have two computer running the set up with different specs. One is running a 6600xt, 32g ram. The other is a 3060 with 32g ram. The 6600xt updated and works very well, still. The 3060 is giving me the problems. Again, they both updated to 13.8 launchbox, but only one is giving me a hard time. It seems it's mainly videos. It can't load videos causing it to stick. The only difference in programs running in the background is the 3060, which is having problems, has a Streamdeck, but I don't think the elgato program would cause such hiccups. No clue what's going on as to why one would work better than the other in terms of running videos...both are set as VLC which is what's recommended. Both on SSDs. Any one else encountered this problem and has a fix? Both have updated windows as well. Thank you.
  13. Hey there. Have been searching google for a solution to this, but can not find an answer. Trying to use Streamdeck to with bigbox. Already created a profile on Streamdeck to hotkey all the keyboard mappings and its ready to roll. Problem is, whenever I use Bigbox.exe as a program for the profile to load, it does not load the profile. I tried Launchbox as well with a different profile to see if I put the wrong program in, but the same thing. So neither Bigbox, nor Launchbox initiate profile on the Streamdeck. To confirm, I put a waste profile for Firefox, and it works correctly when Firefox is accessed. Has anyone had this same problem? Any solutions?
  14. I haven't used retroarch for mame yet. I have never used retroarch ever. I am just trying to find a solution. Since some of my roms are mixed w/other versions of mame, I am trying to find a solution. I have 3 different versions of mame. 2.19, 2.3x (can't remember the exact, I just know its 2.3) and the most recent 2.53. The 2.19 comes from the 8tb drive. the 2.3 comes from the 1tb drive. and the most recent one i downloaded for troubleshooting purposes. I didn't know it was required to match roms w/emulators. That is a first for me. My apologies. So, again, is there a solution to this, or should I just re-download updated roms?
  15. I've been reading that different rom sets use different cores. I have a problem though. I have one 8tb drive download with mame games, and a 1tb artax 4.1 drive that I want to pull games from and use as well. There may be copies from different both drives with different mame sets, and there may be games that aren't from the same drive/aren't copies but use different cores. For instance...I have, let's say street fighter alpha 2 that uses 2.19, and then I have street fighter alpha 3 that uses 2.53. The problem for me is using Playlist such as "CPS-2" or Fighting, or Arcade, where launchbox requires to specify an emulator to be used. I can't add multiple Mame cores for specific roms, or at least I don't know how to, and even so, I'd have to find out which rom is compatible with which core, then assign it with each specific rom. Is there software that run mame roms while neglecting the specific cores? Or software that will detect the romset and launch/pair with that specific core so I don't have to go hunting for things I don't need? Does retroarch do this? I notice it has all the multiple mame cores, but do I have to assign them?
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