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  1. I have ALWAYS struggled to keep track of which games I actually have installed. And as space becomes a problem it matters to me even more to be able to locate and, if necessary, unistall them. I manage my games very simply (thanks to LaunchBox) via the Installed - Yes filter feature. It's not much, but it's exactly what I need from the tool!!
  2. I love additional story elements when it comes to bonus content. Cut scenes, background, lore, that sort of thing.
  3. When a game is remastered I'm looking for the essence of the game to be maintained. I want to feel the same way I did when I played it the first time. BUT, I expect improvements to any issues that became evident as the game aged - controls, camera angles, even plot problems, that sort of thing. And if some bonus material makes an appearance (cut scenes, more background, etc) then I'm even happier!
  4. I dropped so many quarters into the 80's animated games. I both hated and loved that you had to work out the proper actions and timing to get the protagonist to advance. And I loved the cut scenes. - Dragon's Lair - Space Ace - Cliffhanger (so many quarters in this one... so many...) I think it'd be great to see those redone so I could finally kill that dragon in Dragon's Lair!
  5. My best party games: 1) Rock Band (PS4) - I'll tell you what, when a friend of mine first got this we played nothing else for weeks! We had a small group so everyone got to play an instrument. It was a great time! 2) Just Dance (Wii) - Yes, I know.. the Wii. But for people who aren't really into video games it was a great way to get them involved. Four of us would rotate play, support each other (with some trash talk thrown in) and just have a good time looking like fools.
  6. My top 5 of all time (not necessarily in this order... I wobble back forth between which of these I like best): 1) Alone In The Dark (1992) 2) Sid Meier's Civilization 5 3) The Long Dark (This is the game I consistently return to when I'm 'between' games) 4) Mass Effect 3 5) Frost Punk All PC platform.
  7. Thank you for the suggestion. I attempted it but the games remain when LB is relaunched. I have determined that 11 of the 12 games are on the Epic storefront. The last one is from Steam. None of the games display as installed when I view them from their respective storefront. Just for grins I tried closing LB, then installed one of the Epic games and launched LB. I filtered by 'Installed - Yes' and verified the game displayed and displayed the "Play" button. I then closed LB, uninstalled the game directly from the Epic store and relaunched LB. After filtering, the game still appears. Oddly, now the "Play" button has been replaced with the "Install" button. Please see screenshot. It shows the filter selection "Installed - Yes", along with the game Among Trees with the 'Install" button available to the right. Thanks.
  8. Hi all. First off, let me say I'm not terribly savvy with Launchbox. It's a fantastic tool that meets my needs - I simpy use it as a game organizer. Lately, I've noticed that when I start LB and I filter by "Installed - Yes", there are several games that persistently show up even though they are not installed. If I right click on one of the unistalled game tiles and click away, then reset the "Installed" filter to "No", then set it back to "Yes", the uninstalled game tile no longer displays. If I restart LB, the uninstalled games return to the display. Have I set something up incorrectly? Screenshot added just to show the right-click menu. Again, please note, I do not actually select anything... I just click away after the right-click menu comes up, then toggle the filter option to No then back to Yes. Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks for the post (and the reply). This issue is occurring for me as well. I don't have the 'enableautoimport' text in the setting.xml file, but I DO have 'enableautomatedimports'. I assume this is the proper line to change? I've gone ahead and tried it. After LB restarted itself I checked the box on the front end to 'enable automatic imports on startup' from within Tools > Manage > Storefronts and thus far this has resolved the issue. I'll post again if the issue returns,. Much appreciated!
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