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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I use the default console settings, and then making subfolders like Games, Prototypes, Hacks, Translations, Homebrews and so. Also I find myself using the list view like if it were MAME the most. It's faster and more comfortable when you've tons of roms.
  2. More playable content. I can do most of the the time without watching old concept images, but adding new chapters or game modes is the best it works for me. Like the Quake 2 remaster, it added a new expansion and it even let you play old maps done when the game was in early development.
  3. It mostly depends on the original game. Sometimes a nice graphic retouch is enough (Like the original Command and Conquer), but other games seriously need a few tweaks here and there to adapt themselves better to the current times (Like Quake 2). In any case, as much new content they can keep adding to the old game. (Like expansions, new levels, and bonus stuff) way better.
  4. Not many surprises in here: - Guitar Hero - King of Fighters 2002 UM - Castle Crashers - Mortal Kombat Trilogy - Super Smash Bros
  5. My vote goes for Technos. A big collection having the classics Double Dragon (the ones from consoles, because the Arcade ones already had their re-release) and the Kunio-Kun saga would be great.
  6. My top five: -The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (PC) -Blood (PC) -Rygar (NES) -Megaman 2 (NES) -Battletoads (NES)
  7. I would love to see a remastered collection of the Flying Warriors/Hiryu no Ken saga.
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