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Posts posted by RavenDarhk

  1. Good morning,

    So, I have had this issue for some time but have been dealing with a lot of other stuff, so I am just now getting to ask about it. I have been unable to fix it myself.


    So, I have the Scuf Envision controller, which uses the iCue app to set up, and it is one of the most frustrating controller apps I have ever had to deal with, but that is another issue entirely. Whenever I play games through LaunchBox that use a Retroarch core, one of two things is guaranteed to be a problem. Either the start and select buttons swap places for no apparent reason, which is annoying but I can play past this issue.


    The bigger issue is that hitting either start or select by themselves will throw up the Retroarch menu, making games that require you to hit a start button unplayable. I have the start+select hotkey combo set up in Retroarch to bring up the menu, but for whatever reason, it looks for either being pressed and not a combination of the two. I have no idea why it is doing this; I know the issue is most likely with Scuf or Retroarch, but I always get better answers here, so I figured I would ask here before going to Scuf or Retroarch, and Scuf is worthless when it comes to support. I can also say that this is the only controller with this issue. Aside from this, it has been a favorite as far as game controllers go, but this issue is immensely frustrating.


    If I totally close out the iCue app, the controller stops working; the only part that works is that start or select will still take me to the retroarch menu. It also does not make a difference whether I have it in wifi mode or I plug it in, the same issue.


    Any tips here would be appreciated. 



  2. Glad you figured it out. I use eXoDOS and eXoWin3x for all my DOS and 3.1 games and I have never had any issues and they have all 3 Dune games. It integrates very well with LaunchBox although the download is one of the largest I have seen but worth it if you want Dos games.

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  3. The Hori Fight Commander looks interesting. It is a controller I have not tried. I get the price thing. I used to get annoyed with $50-60 for game controllers. I would see the ones in the hundreds and say, "I am never going to spend that on a controller." Then the Xbox Elite series 2 controller came with my Series X, and I love that one. The only thing that annoyed me was while you have 4 extra back keys, they could only be assigned to pre-existing keys; in some games like Dying Light, it makes sense to use them like that, but mainly seems pointless. I don't like those limitations. Then I had 5 PS5 controllers, all developing stick drift. So, I invested in Sony's Pro Controller since it has the option to replace the sticks. Now new technology is in some 3rd party controllers to avoid stick drift altogether. So, my feelings have changed a bit; for my personal use, I have a hard time convincing myself to invest in any controller under 100$, but I still buy plenty under 100$ as those are usually the ones I have for guests or kids to use. I may use that as an excuse to try the Hori controller. Plus, the D-Pad on many controllers is usually one of my biggest complaints; they are never how I want them to be. It is about time to restock, I haven't been that motivated after having so many of my PS5 controllers go kaput.

  4. Hello,

    So, I recently got the Scuf Envision Pro and while I have only been using it for a few days now, this controller for PC is a game changer for me and while it still needs some more play time, it is quickly becoming my new favorite gaming controller. When it arrived, I had a total "nerd-gasm moment" as my daughter put it. The play is smooth and and it has practically no input delay. The best part though is that you do not have to assign the back buttons keys that already exist on the control. There is also a series of G keys you can assign what ever action you wish to include macros. The Envision gives a total of 26 buttons making it a lot like a keyboard. It has a nice weight and the overall feel is pleasing and it is also nice how easy they make their controllers to customize and change the looks. Provided it does not start acting like it is possessed, I may very well have found my new favorite controller.


    So, this stirred my curiosity a bit. What are some of the favorite controllers used by gamers here and what makes that control shine in your eyes? Is it a controller made primarily for PC or console?

  5. On 12/2/2023 at 4:10 PM, Coolcuk said:

    I can't believe how bad this has screwed Launchbox up, now I have no artwork for anything and the game titles are all just the short filenames, unbelievable. I may aswell just delete if it isn't going to be fixed any time soon.

    I'm pretty sure you have a bigger problem going on. I have not experienced anything like what you are describing. This problem has existed for only a few days now, and MS broke it. Unbroken has zero control over what MS or any other business does; they didn't cause the problem but must try to solve it. So just be mellow and give them a chance to fix it; getting worked up about it won't help them solve it quicker.

  6. Hi, 

    So now I got his...attached a screen shot of error as well as logs. Big Box seems to be working ok, when I open LaunchBox I get this error and when I close the error window LaunchBox shuts down as well. I have no idea what caused it, I played some, turned it off to sleep and when I woke up and got back on this is how I was greeted.


    Debug 2023-11-30 11-29-10 PM.log Debug 2023-11-30 11-34-28 PM.log

  7. Having this issue is maddening. All the things we can do with technology today. AI, space travel, holograms, we can even make nuclear gravity bombs...but being able to use multiple controllers or keyboards; well, this is just asking too much. I feel like the solution should be incredibly simple, MS is just too lazy to spend an hour figuring it out. I noticed trying to plug in and use multiple keyboards, it is the same driver for all of them, seems you would just need individual drivers that identify them as separate devices, they do it on consoles. Why not Desktops? But what do I know?

  8. The application path is the same, I am kind of OCD about keeping things organized. I got to messing with it some last night, while I am not entirely certain yet, I think that it continually pulls up the same few games because there is corruption in the ROM file which throws the Launchbox scan into a loop with those games. I launched one and it stopped playing after the main menu, then I tried Avatar and it skipped around so bad it was like it was trying to turn itself into a dubstep beat. I need to test it a little more but I feel that is the culprit. I got new copies of a few of the Roms and those roms went away and quit showing up in the scan.


    Like I said this wasn't a huge issue, not a game changer by any means. It just piqued my curiosity. When I see a problem I like knowing the cause and what to do with it. Never hurts to learn something new.


    I will continue testing as they come up and see if my corruption theory holds out through them all, which I think it will. Granted, these were from Xbox and Xbox can be a royal p in the a..


    Thank you C-beats for the response, it is very much appreciated.



  9. Hello,


    So, have noticed an odd issue and saw there was another post for this from 2019 but it was fixed in a patch so no info that really helped me.


    I am not loosing sleep over this as it doesn't seem to do any real harm.


    I am using the latest beta of Launchbox, Windows 11 Pro all up to date, running off an external HDD.

    Issue: When I add new games, let say to Xbox (happens on multiple platforms), there are some games that even though they are already in my Launchbox library, they will still show up in the import new Roms. So every time I add and scan for Xbox games Buffy and Advent will appear every time.


    Even though they show up as new games being detected, it does not add duplicates to my game library, which is why it isn't a big deal. Just a curious issue. I have also noticed that as of now, it only seems to happen with ISO files.


    I did attach a Pic. Currently I have absolutely no new games that need to be added to Xbox yet I get these ones each and every scan for Xbox. If I click finish it will just say zero new games have been added. It only happens with a small number of games.


  10. **Update**


    Just to keep everyone in the loop. I did try it from another user account and I still had the same issue and was unable to launch LB.

    I tried to install on my C drive and before the installation could complete I received the same error: Unable to execute file: X:\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe. Create Process  failed; Code 2. The system cannot find the file specified.

    My next step is to restore a backup I made a couple of days ago. Then do a refresh of the PC. I would prefer avoiding these two options for obvious reasons. So, I am going to get on console and play Staarfield, and take a break. Hopefully, someone thinks of something.

    If I click the uninstall file in the LB root folder, will it remove all folders within the LB root or  will it just delete the files that are LB? That is another option there is just a lot in there that I cant lose.

  11. I have tried launching through the core folder which yields the same error message. BigBox also gives the same error message. 


    Totally removing the anti-virus was the last thing that I tried as mentioned above and then tried to launch and redo the installation but the results did not change. Even removed when reinstalling I get: Error: Unable to execute file: X:\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe. Create Process  failed; Code 2. The system cannot find the file specified.


    I just went into the core folder to check and the .exe and .dll files do exist for both LB and BB.


    I am still trying things on my end also. I am about to reboot and see if LaunchBox can be accessed from another user account on Windows. If that fails then I will install launchbox on my C drive (just to see if the problem persists). If that ends in failure, then my next steps would be to restore a backup, and if the issue is still there do a total refresh of the PC. (The last 2 options I really don't want to do). 

  12. No, it is referring to the .exe file in the LaunchBox root. If it were doubled up it would be X:\LaunchBox\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe. I did check that between back up drive and changing drive letter, and there is no double LaunchBox folder. I attached an image of the root LB folder. Thanks for the prompt response though, appreciate that :)


  13. Hello,


    LaunchBox 13.7

    Windowas 11Pro (Everything current and up-to-date)

    Running from external Drive


    The problem:

    Everything seemed to be working fine. The last thing I did in LaunchBox was to add Sega Saturn 2 nights ago. After which, all seemed well, I played some games to shut things down to sleep, and when I booted it back up I even played some more games. Then I come to get on in tonight and clicking my shortcuts does nothing. No error, just nothing. So, I open the Launchbox folder and click LaunchBox.exe: Error Window cannot find X:\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe, make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. So then, I clicked BigBox, same error. After BigBox I try and launch RetroArch (since it is all under the same root directory) and RetroArch opens without issue. If it is of any importance I did have to reset RetroArch config earlier in the evening because I couldn't get my controllers working properly, no idea if that is relevant.


    "At this point, the reactors in my brain start going into meltdown."


    The following events occurred in the order listed:

    The first thing I do is reboot. Nothing changes.

    Full shutdown. Nothing changes.

    Reinstall 13.7 over the current. Error: Unable to execute file: X:\LaunchBox\Core\LaunchBox.exe. Create Process  failed; Code 2. The system cannot find the file specified.

    Try and run LaunchBox from a backup drive. Nothing changes.

    Try changing the drive letters. Nothing Changes.

    Remove BitDefender AntiVirus Software and reboot: Nothing changes.


    "Now reactors have started to blow, I am having a mini-Chornobyl in my head!"

    My next step is to install LaunchBox on the main hard drive, but I don't want it there and if that fixes it, due to space, everything else would have to stay external. So I decided that I needed to reach out for help at this point.


    thank you






  14. Update*

    I totally removed all custom theme options out of BB and I still had the same issue. So, I deleted Startup out of LaunchBox\Videos and the problem was gone. For me, no startup video is better than hitting reset. The videos were just another way to show BB off, the kids enjoyed them, personally, I don't feel they are necessary when it is just me playing. I would still like to know what was going wrong and where it went wrong. When I have tech issues, I prefer getting to the root of the problem. Sometimes, we just must take the victory even if it is bittersweet.



  15. Thanks for the quick response! I have also tried swapping themes and deleting all custom themes and just using the default but to no avail and I realized I went with one of the more intense themes right off the bat. I will gladly turn on logs and try it again though, as I really want to get to the bottom of this without having to do a clean install because this is one of the most intense pieces of software I have ever set up and I would prefer to not have to set it up again, I love LaunchBox though, it is my favorite app to use for gaming and impresses friends and family.


    I know it is an issue with the startup video, when it ends BigBox starts it just won't close out of the video entirely and make the switch over to BB. It could be a plugin causing the issue as well but I am not running many as I noticed most were out of date or have been integrated into LaunchBox.


    As for the look, I use Windows blinds and Deskscapes from Stardock. Windows 8 got me to switch over to them for their start menu and have been using them ever since...I loathed Windows 8, it eventually made me leave the PC world for 7 years. I have about 50 different themes and videos to run as desktop wallpapers so every time I reboot it is a new experience.


    Will go do what you suggested though, and share the results once it is done.



  16. Hello,

    I am having an issue with BigBox and have tried fixing it myself for a couple of weeks now. The issue is that when I start BigBox, it plays one of a few startup videos that I have in Launchox\Videos\Startup, they video plays through fine but when it is over the screen just goes black and won't switch over to BigBox. While I can hit alt+tab and close out the black void that the video played in, then I am able to tab over to BigBox (which I can see when I hit alt+tab+ but it won't let me open the BigBox window until I close the BlackBox). When I x out of BlackBox I get an error which I have attached here.


    I am currently running LaunchBox 13.7-Beta 6, this problem however started on 13.6, before switching over to the beta. I have tried switching VLC to Windows Media Player which did nothing to help. I am using the Eclipse theme, and it runs fine once I get past BlackBox and make it into BigBox. I am running my LaunchBox on an external HDD on Windows 11 Pro.


    This issue does not break BigBox, as once I am past it everything runs fine, it is just an annoyance, so any help resolving this will be greatly appreciated. 


    Thank you




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