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Everything posted by kdurham1968

  1. I do not know if you are still around or are still looking for a solution. However, this thread helped me to figure out the solution. So, this is for anyone else wh stumbles here looking for help. This does work in RetroArch using the current MAME core. However, it require4s a bit of work. First, you must create a text file that will be stored alongside the rom file. That text file must contain a string that tells the Mame core which system you want to emulate, where the rom file is, and where the bios files for that system are. For example, for the Casio PV-1000 game Amidar, your string might look like this one: pv1000 -cart "E:\Emulation\Roms\Casio PV-1000\Amidar (Japan).bin" -rompath "E:\\Emulation\RetroArch\\system\\mame\\bios" (note the difference in the use of the backlash for the rom file and the bios files. This is necessary because of how windows passes parameters.) After creating this text file, rename it to be the same name as your rom file and change its extension from TXT to CMD. You can then load the CMD file into RetroArch or place it in a playlist, associating it with the current MAME core. This works for any game you wish to load into RetroArch using the MAME core..
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