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Everything posted by Rinusch

  1. Hi, I recently submitted an edit to the metadata of the Amiga game Adrenalynn (it's 4 players, not 2 as it stated before). I notice it has been applied in the meanwhile when I follow the link shown in the game's metadata. However, in the metadata in Launchbox itself, it still states the old value '2 players'. I forced updating all metadata and still no luck. Am I missing something? If not, can anybody confirm maybe? I'll then report a bug as the question then rises what other meta data may not be correct in my collection.
  2. Since 'list view' is a lot less heavy (LB is responding much faster when searching or editing games), I like to use that when doing 'maintenance'. It's a big nuisance for me that the sorting settings don't apply to this view. When I'm in 'images view' and sort on 'date added' for example, this sorting is initially also used when I switch over to 'list view'. But when I switch to another platform, or edit a game's metadata and close it's window, it falls back to it's default: sorting based on title. Could this please be addressed in a next release? I read other, quite old posts about this as well but unfortunately this hasn't received any attention since then.
  3. This bar seemingly indicates LB is doing some kind of indexing for the selected platform, or for all platforms when 'all' is selected. It looks like this process is heavy on the CPU. When it has completed, it seems this doesn't happen again for that specific platform. However, on the other hand I regularly see this happening again anyway. Not sure what triggers it, because I also see it happening again for platforms that I haven't touched (i.e. not added games or media) sinces the process last completed. I can't find anything about this blue progress bar on the forum unfortunately.
  4. I have been having this issue for quite some time already. Launchbox freezes for approximately 5 seconds when I have e.g. checked or edited a game's metadata and close the details window, or when switching to another platform. Windows says 'not responding' in the taskmanager when this happens. Is this just me? I have searched the forum for similar reports but can't find any so it feels like this is a local issue, or...?
  5. I've reported similar issues before, not sure if this is the same underlying issue, but the version of Launchbox (13.15) is much newer and this is still broken. Both 'squash.zip' and 'squaitsa.zip' are being recognised as 'Squash' (https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/39104-squash). However, when I edit the metadata, the details are different. For instance, the latter lists 'Itisa' as the publisher, while the former lists 'Gaelco'. When I 'unlink' the latter and type 'squash' before hitting the 'search for metadata' button, it only yields 1 result, namely the exact match. Only when I shorten the search term to 'squa' I can select 'Squash (Itisa)' from the search results. This shouldn't be to hard to troubleshoot/fix I expect? Regards!
  6. Great, thanks! No need for me to add it anymore then. Looking forward to the fix being released, thanks again.
  7. Hi @faeran. I wasn't aware of the bitbucket site until just now, but when checking for this item I couldn't find it. Is this correct?
  8. I would appreciate if my posts were to be acknowledged in some way at least. My most recent contributions haven't been replied to at all. Now I don't know whether they have been missed, ignored, appreciated. I can save my time if I know nothing is done with most of my posts anyway.
  9. I noticed when auditing, none of the keyboard shortcuts work that are listed when you right-click a game, e.g. ctrl+e for editing that game, or 'del' for deleting etc.
  10. Hi, I've reported some more issues with media category priority settings and downloading media, but this intentionally is a separate post in order not to confuse different findings together. I noticed two more strange behavioural issues when trying some scenario's. The game tested was Cauldron for platform Amstrad CPC. I found that the media category priority settings impact the options that are presented to the user when downloading media from Emumovies via (Tools->Download->Update metadata and media for selected games). When I set every media category priority setting to contain only 1 option (the 'default' option, e.g. 'box-front' under 'box front priorities' and so on.. ), media types 'Compact Disc' and 'Floppy Disk' are not visible. When I revert all media category priority settings back to their default values, those media types are visible however. Either way (no matter which scenario you pick for the first bullet in terms of settings), when you download the floppy disc image from Emumovies via the 'edit game' window and close it, you are again presented the suggestion to download the floppy disc image. And if you keep it selected, it also downloads the same duplicate image. When you try the same not via Emumovies but via the LB DB, this doesn't happen. Maybe this is a more generic issue under the hood, so I thought it might be something important for the devs to look into. Regards!
  11. Hi @Retro808, it's me again 😉. I found another example but I think it may be a different issue. Please read for details. Both roms 'ddragon.zip' and 'doubledr.zip' were originally matched against the same game 'Double Dragon' with LB ID #10901. However, 'doubledr.zip' is a different game and should be matched against 'Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)' with LB ID #26804. Only thing I notice in mame.xml is that only the latter has a '<MameListItem>' entry at the end of the file. Maybe that could be a lead for trouble shooting. Hope this helps?
  12. Thanks! It actually seems to be a different issue as I got the same result you got (see my 2nd paragraph from the February 11th post). But then another specific test (final paragraph) yielded unexpected behaviour again. I think we may be onto something as it appears that the fact whether or not a media category has an associated image group has an impact on the download process. And if this test yields a different result on your end, it means that something else is wrong on my end...potentially also a bug (maybe an error in a version update process), or otherwise somebody please tell me what config setting has an impact on this behaviour. So it would be much appreciated if you could try once more on your end.
  13. Hi @Retro808 and/or anybody else interested in this topic, Have you been able to check my findings above? Easiest way to reproduce is to focus on the last paragraph. So if you configure all media priorities to contain exactly one category and then download media, 'advertisement flyers' should have no image group listed and you shouldn't be able to download flyers. If you are, then something else is going on here.. Hope you can check and get back. It would be appreciated!
  14. Thanks. However, they both have the same LB ID assigned in my case..but with different metadata. Not sure if this was clear from my post. Here's what I see (Mame0.259): Keen to hear your thoughts, thanks!
  15. Hi, I've imported a full romset and it strikes me that I seem to have quite some duplicates. What I don't understand is for example, I have two different roms: '4in1boot.zip' and 'puzzlekg.zip'. Both have been recognized as being the same game and hence have the same Launchbox Game DB ID (#38818). Not only are they actually different games when starting them, what strikes me most is that they both have different meta data in Launchbox. For instance, they both have a different publisher and status (good vs imperfect). I've performed a forced update of the games DB metadata (from the 'tools->download' menu). How does this work? Apparently each Launchbox ID can have multiple entries in the database and are matched differently based on the rom name? Issue I have is I can't currently trust the fact games are marked as duplicate by LB. I have to manually start them to tell if they're really the same game.
  16. Thanks for testing! Yes, I did exactly as you say ('Tools >Download >Update Metadata and Media'). I narrowed it down a bit thanks to your help. It made me realise it's probably a configuration issue. So then I reset all the media 'priorities' settings under 'options->Media' by selecting 'revert to default', because I had tinkered with them a bit (related to my other post about wrong media counts in the audit window). Now, when doing the exact same thing as I did before, in step 2 of the wizard I immediately noticed that the advertisement flyers front and back have an image group listed in the respective column (they both have a different group). This was empty before I reverted the priority settings to their defaults. 'Clear logo' had no entry in the image group before and it still doesn't have one now. When repeating the test, with an image limit of 1 and selecting only the advertisement flyers front and back and the clear logo, I indeed get all 3 images. This seems to make sense at first, as I set a download limited per image group of 1 before (assuming everything uncategorised counts as one category). However..I also tried to raise that to 5 with the same result before my original post! As a final test I reconfigured my media priorities to contain exactly one category per media type again, so only 'box front' under 'box front priorities', and so on for all the priority sub menu options. Now, advertisement flyers front and back don't have an image group listed in the respective column again (same still goes for 'clear logo'). I raised the download limit per image group to 5 and guess what? It only downloads the clear logo and again ignores the flyers! Can you maybe confirm the latter?
  17. Addition: a much easier way for you guys to reproduce this, is to only select the media types that fail to automatically download, i.e. advertisement flyers front and clear logo in case of media source 'launchbox games DB': they won't download, but they in fact are available and you are (only) able to manually download them afterwards on a game-by-game basis.
  18. Hi, I stumbled upon a strange issue. I am rebuilding my media library and noticed some strange behaviour. When I 'update meta data and media' for (in this case) Air Raiders (Atari 2600), I configured as follows: - Search for game information in the local metadata database - Download limit per image group: 1 - I selected the following media types: * Adv. flyer back * Adv. flyer front * Banner * Box 3D * Box back * Box back reconstructed * Box front * Box front reconstructed * Box full * Cart 3D * Cart front * Clear logo * Disc * Fanart background * Fanart Box back * Fanart Box front * Fanart Cart front * Fanart disc - I checked 'remove roughly matched duplicates' - I deselected all categories from Emumovies ('check none') - (no bezels) - Download and replace all existing metadata and media This gives me 6 images. When I select 'edit game' afterwards and go to media->images, I have these: - Box front - Box back - Box 3d - Banner - Cart front - Fanart cart front When I click 'download' now, I get the option to download 2 advertisement flyers front and 1 clear logo. If I roughly do the same, but when updating deselect every media category from the launchbox games DB and select a bunch from Emumovies, it doesn't download the 'clear logo' and 'CD' although I selected them. I am able to manually download those from Emumovies afterwards. Does anyone have any clue why they weren't downloaded in the first place? Of course, I tried this multiple times before posting. Keen to hear, thanks!
  19. A concrete example in my case is that I would like to always have at least a gameplay screenshot. So a count of, say, 4 images in the screenshots category doesn't tell me anything. What I instead would like to know, is the games where I have 0 gameplay screenshots so that I can then manually make screenshots for those games to make everything complete. So I know now, I could narrow down my screenshot display priorities to only include gameplay screenshots, but then I need to revert that back afterwards or games may be missing screenshots while I haven't been able to manually create the missing ones yet. This is what I expected to be the point of the auditing window. It also includes for instance arcade cabinet, circuit board and control images. Or are all columns in the audit window used in stock UI (including those 3 examples)? I just think there are more examples where users would like to have a full grannular overview of their collection (for whichever reason which may seem strange to others). Regards!
  20. The example you gave, explaining how configured image priorities settings impact the count in the audit window turned out to be correct. The ratio behind it doesn't make any sense to me however. If I want to audit my collection, I want to do that independently of what I happen to have (potentially wrongly) configured there. The audit is about counts of different types of media, regardless of display priorities. This is also the reason I am a bit surprised not all categories are listed in the audit overview. I definitely would like them to be. So hopefully this can be adressed in the near future...it would be much appreciated as, like I said, this is about getting your collection complete for the relevant media you're interested in. Regards!
  21. Hi, It's been a month and no one has either confirmed the issue or the fact it will be looked at. Before it gets forgotten: is there a dev who can confirm having read this and tell me this is not 'intended behaviour' (😉), i.e. something that will hopefully be added to the backlog ? Regards!
  22. Hi all, When I audit (in this particular case Amiga) games, I get wrong counts for the various image categories. For instance, for game 'Baal', I have 7 images: 1 box front, 1 box 3d, 1 disc, and 4 gameplay screenshots. Auditing gets me: 1 box back image, 6 box front images, 2 3d box images, 3 cart front images, and 4 screenshot images. Afaics, only the latter is correct. Some 'reverse engineering' for various games, seems to have learned me that at least 'box back image' represents the '3d box image'. Box spine always seems to be correct from what I've seen. Apart from the counts being corrected, it would also be very beneficial if all image categories would be listed in the audit overview. Instead, categories like advertisements, different screenshot types (gameplay, game over, ..) etc are missing in the overview. Could this be something to address in a next release perhaps? To get a collection complete, the audit feature is of great value if all of this information is available. Regards!
  23. Can anyone tell or confirm the right place to report issues (potential bugs if you like) for 'current' versions of Launchbox, i.e. the most recent version not being the beta version in current development (which has a dedicated sub-forum for this)? This place seems to be the most suitable to me but I may have overseen something. Regards.
  24. Hi all, I noticed an issue while searching for metadata in the GamesDB. It turns out not all matching results are returned when I use a longer (but matching) search term, opposed to a shorter one. For instance, when I search for titles matching 'lemmings' for platform 'Commodore Amiga', I only get 1 result. When I search for titles matching 'lemming' (without the 's') for the same platform however, I get a whole list of results. I expect this to be intended behaviour, as 'lemmings' exactly/fully matches a specific title. This can be annoying however, as you need to explicitly check whether the result returned is 'the exact match' or the only matching result. If it's the exact match and you're looking for another game or version of it, you need to repeat the search with a shorter search term. For me, it would make more sense and be more efficient if the results are always all games (for that platform) matching the search term. On a more general note: where is the right place to report issues (potential bugs if you like) for 'current' versions of Launchbox, i.e. the most recent version not being the beta version in current development (which has a dedicated sub-forum for this)? Regards!
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