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  1. Any remake of a game that included text should be done with voiceovers. This takes a game from OK to Great!
  2. For most games I would be happy with an increase in Graphics and Resolution and in some games maybe an increase in unit cap since it could take advantage of better hardware. (Supreme Commander for Example!
  3. Lord British, Still has the games that I and my friends spent the most time exploring!
  4. The Lord British - Ultimate Ultima Collection!!!
  5. Going old school PC / Amiga / Atari the golden age of my gaming life! 1 - Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the mad overlord (Apple IIe - Green Monochrome) 2- Adept - Archon 2 (Atari 800) 3 - Star Control 2 - (Amiga 1200) 4 - Any of the SSI Goldbox Series of Games! (Atari 800 - Amiga 1200) 5 - Ultima III - (Atari 1200)
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