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Everything posted by JimV

  1. Thanks for the additional advice. I'll give these a try tonight and see if either one work for me. Thank you!
  2. I've also experienced this issue recently after using Big Box for well over a year. I tried using the SoundVolumeView tool and unfortunately that mutes MAME too. I'm not sure if that is due to how MAME is now launched withing BB. Anyone out there found a solid solution for this yet?
  3. See my post from yesterday. I think it might be the Fade Quick screen transition that is causing this problem. Try hard coding the screen transition to something else and see if it fixes your problem. I went through all of the ideas in this thread including what you tried to no avail. Good luck!
  4. I too have been struggling with this problem for the past 3-4 months. I found a solution that worked for me and I suspect it may be a bug in BigBox. I found that when I had selected Screen Transition: Random, my BigBox would lock up or some of the screens would be black. No matter what else I did, as long as I left the screen transitions to random and let Attract Mode run, this would happen to me. I tried all of these suggestions and none of them worked. I'm guessing that as the Attract mode ran, it eventually hit the right combination of the transition that was causing problems. That would explain the varying timeframes in which my machine would have this issue. Sometimes it was within minutes of going into Attract mode and other times it would take hours. This might explain why some people have had luck in changing the time between game changes in Attract mode as the fewer moves it makes the less chance you have to hit the bad transition. But when I set the Screen Transition to a specific transition, the problem stopped immediately. Hopefully that helps someone.
  5. I would like to make a feature request that improves upon the attract mode volume control. For those of us with full size arcade systems, we typically leave them on 24x7. It would be helpful to have a 'lower attract mode to X% after Y minutes of inactivity". That way I could set my system to be silent so many minutes after we stop playing it. Is that also possible?
  6. Thank you for the direction. I've spent quite a bit of time perusing the LB plugins out there and don't see anything that could do this. Are you aware of a plugin that I might be able to use or repurpose for this? I suppose I could write a script that MAME launches to switch the restrictors based on the controller type supported by the game being launched but that will require scripting against MAME but I'd rather keep all of this logic within LB. Any additional direction you can provide would be very much appreciated.
  7. Is it possible to programmatically read the metadata from a game? I would like to set up a TOS 4 to 8 way restrictor (TOS GRS Switchable 4-to-8-Way Restrictor | Thunderstick Studios (bing.com)). My thoughts were to set metadata on the game that is being launched and then read that metadata to determine which way the restrictor plate should be oriented. The TOS 428 way system even has an application for RPI that does this and includes an editable list of games so that you can manage the list centrally. If I can programmatically read the game metadata then I think I can get this to work. Thank you!
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