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Posts posted by WCopeland

  1. Hey @C-Beats

    I've started a new discussion on our GitHub here: https://github.com/RetroAchievements/RAWeb/discussions/2081

    This can serve as a central place for consumers to submit enhancement requests and us to work on them / track their progress. Having this in a GH Discussion is probably a decent format for now, as it can also serve to give other API consumers a heads-up if enhancements are on the way they could also benefit from.

  2. Happy to represent from the RA side. We "soft relaunched" the full API a week ago and formally announced today that it's fully restored. We've made significant improvements to our infrastructure and code. Pages that previously took 30 seconds to load are now loading in less than 1.

    With the exception of a minor tweak to `GetUserSummary`, we haven't made any major changes to any of the endpoints. They all should respond much faster now than their previous state. We've also enhanced the API to include "beaten games" metadata in the `GetUserAwards` endpoint. We've relaunched our API docs at https://api-docs.retroachievements.org. Currently, the docs are targeted towards our JavaScript/TypeScript wrapper. Soon, the docs will have an option for referencing the raw endpoints (which are currently linked at the bottom of every page).

    Our third-party relationships are important. Let me know if there is any additional data that LaunchBox requires or would be useful. We may be able to augment our endpoints further to facilitate it.

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