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File Comments posted by matsrats

  1. From darkfella: "Hey, for the zip containing the 5.4 version, do i replace all zips when asked and also what is the directory folder with the ini file in it ? do i need that ini file ? "

    This is a most important question and should be answered ... I asked myself the same thing. Thank you in advance.

  2. The community can't thank you enough, now you have also made an update for newer MAME versions. I really have to try your Bezels, hoping they work with MAME v0.264.

    I have a question and would be glad if you can help: What happens to games which don´t have a dedicated Bezel? Is a system bezel loaded then? That would be great. If not, is there a way to use the old bezels of the Bezel-Project that Launchbox already has saved in the MAME/artwork folder? So is there a way to combine your bezels and those of other projects? In conclusion, how do I set up such a mish-mash bezel system, as I learned to first delete all bezel artworks from an older project and merely than installing the new one. 

    Thank you so much for all your efforts and creativity and especially for sharing all this with us. 

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