Hi there,
I´m not sure if this is the correct title or topic section to ask for this.....
So, like my title says.... i have a bunch of videogames that i own digitally this are Windows PC games (non store games, i mean, no steam, GOG, microsoft games or Xbox game pass games etc, no emulated games).
how can i see on launchbox all te boxes of the games displayed even for the non-installed games and not only the installed games for this specific type of library?, Has anybody created yet a code or somenthing that allows launchbox to read for the game installer apps from windows folders? and once installed, automatically read it as installed game without the need to import the installed game pathway etc. I mean this the only way that comes to my mind that might work. Basically i´m asking to do what exactly you can do with store-games (since i know launchbox communicates to the specific store and there is where identifies if an specific game is installed or not). but with the non-store windows games.
I have seen that the "additional app" feature allows you to link the a installer app to a specific game you "add", and with a right click you can run that "additional app" and install the game. But does not recognize the game as installed, i still need to add manually that type of games once installed.
Please let me know if my question is understadable.