I use the LaunchBox presets, for the most part. I like the way it's broken down by computer, console, and handheld. I also use the search function to get a listing of all of the different ports of a specific game, so I can compare them.
I would like a Twisted Metal collection. It would be great id they would have additional cars/characters to choose and addition maps/levels or even a map/level editor where users can build their own. And add multiplayer online play.
Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal 2
Twisted Metal III
Twisted Metal 4
Twisted Metal Black
Twisted Metal Head-On
Twisted Metal 2 - It's great for mutli-player vehicular mayhem!
Command and Conquer - A great RTS game that can be great multiplayer online fun!
Super Mario Kart - Great racing fun for multi-players
Doom - My very first multiplayer LAN gaming experience.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Great pizza party game, where you and some buddies can team up to defeat Shredder and the Foot Clan.
My Top 5 changes from day to day. There are so many retro games out there. I started with the Atari 2600 and am still gaming today. I am mostly a retro gamer, but when I play modern games now days it's via Steam.
Twisted Metal 2 - PS1
Command and Conquer - PS1
Mario Bros - Arcade
Tempest - Arcade
Space Armada - Intellivision