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Everything posted by Tittywaffle

  1. No worries, I appreciate it’s old but it’s the only thread I found and I know my kid is impatient but the other day he had 7 copies of retroarch running in the background 😂 definitely needed to sort something out. Be nice if they added a checkbox to prevent you launching more than one instance of the configured emulator
  2. Was actually easier to do it as a cmd file: paste the following into notepad and save it in your retroarch folder as retroarch.cmd @echo off setlocal REM Check if RetroArch is already running tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq retroarch.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "retroarch.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( echo RetroArch is already running. exit /b 1 ) REM RetroArch is not running, start it with provided arguments "C:\Users\Administrator\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe" %* *remember to update your paths accordingly if your user isn’t Administrator and you didn’t install everything to the default location. I realise I could have made it relative now rather than absolute but I can’t be bothered to fix that! then in launchbox go to tools | manage | emulators | click on retroarch and edit | then literally under application path change the file extension so it goes from retroarch.exe to retroarch.cmd you just saved
  3. I think I’ve had this I thought my kid was just being impatient and hitting play multiple times. I think you can change what’s being launched can’t you, I was wondering about making a powershell script that will launch retroarch but if an instance of retroarch is already running just exit the script so if play gets hammered it doesn’t make any difference
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