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Everything posted by dws723

  1. I'm sure it's rare but if anyone ever finds this having the same issue - DISABLE START UP SCREEN in LB Options for VPX Emulator.
  2. Freaking brilliant. Honestly thank you so much. I had done it for FP but completely forgot about it for VPX, and I would've never done this or figured it out. You really bailed me out I was so disappointed in all of this, thank you again.
  3. I've come across a bit of an issue with BigBox and Visual Pinball I didn't know if anyone could help. A handful of tables (so far I've noticed Family Guy, Monday Night Football, King Kong) just load the DMD and then a black screen when launching from BB. The table loads (I can see it when I ALT+TAB), but I can't get it to display in the foreground. All I get is a black screen. The credit and start buttons work, but there's no table. To quit the emulator I have to ALT+TAB and click the X. When I launch from LB everything is perfect, no issues. One time in the trouble shooting with these tables, BB did launch the tables in the foreground, but then the DMD was in the background and wouldn't stay on the table. Also, potentially important (potentially not), once I load a table that has this BB glitch, BB doesn't work properly until I quit out of it. For example if I load Family Guy, get the glitch, quit it, and then go to a random N64 game and choose "Show Image Folder" or "Open Emulator" the same issue happens, where BB blocks the window from appearing. It's open in ALT+TAB but I can't view anything but the BB screen. This is super specific but I'm really at a loss. I deleted the Settings in the Data folder but that didn't work. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
  4. Had a pretty specific question I was hoping to get some help with. I have a bunch of VPX tables in LB and they all run perfectly, no issues whatsoever. However, when I launch them in BigBox, something is going awry on a lot of tables where the DMD appears but the screen is black. The table has loaded correctly, because I can see it when I alt+tab but BigBox is doing this weird thing where it is blocking the visuals. If I click back to BB, it gives me the game over screen, even though the VPX table is still running somewhere in the background. This is happening on a lot of tables, I just noticed Family Guy, Monday Night Football, King Kong etc. I also think this may be a recent issue, i wasn't using BB a lot, but I wasn't running into this issue. Thanks for any help. **EDIT** This may be a larger BigBox issue. I've noticed from VPX games, but also any other games/roms, if I click to launch the emulator or the image folder it won't pop up. Alt+Tab tells me it's open, and should be in the foreground, but BB is blocking everything. Any suggestions?
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