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Everything posted by Street-RJ77

  1. 36- Super Bases Loaded 2 (USA) 37- Super Black Bass (USA) 38- Super Off Road (USA) 39- Super Pinball - Behind the Mask (USA) 40- Super Play Action Football (USA) 41- Super Valis IV (USA) 42- Suzuka 8 Hours (USA) 43- Tecmo Secret of the Stars (USA) 44- Teenage Queen (Europe) (Proto) 45- Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA) 46- Tick, The (USA) 47- Top Gear 3000 (USA) 48- Toys (USA) 49- Ultima VII - The Black Gate (USA) 50- Ultraman (USA) 51- Waterworld (Europe) 52- Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
  2. 16- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (USA) 17- Out to Lunch (USA) 18- Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA) 19- Pagemaster, The (USA) 20- Power Moves (USA) 21- Power Slide (Europe) (Unl) 22- Prime (USA) (Unl) 23- Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow & The Flame (USA) 24- Radical Rex (USA) 25- Raiden Trad (USA) 26- Rendering Ranger R2 (USA) (Unl) 27- Road Runner II - Wile E's Revenge (USA) (Proto) 28- R-Type III - The Third Lightning (USA) 29- S.O.S - Sink or Swim (USA) 30- Samurai Shodown (USA) 31- SimCity (Europe) 32- Skuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans (USA) 33- Smart Ball (USA) 34- Spectre (USA) 35- Steel Talons (USA)
  3. 1- ACME Animation Factory (USA) 2- Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top (USA) 3- Alpha Sphere - Director's Cut (USA) (Hack) 4- Apocalypse II (Europe) (Proto) 5- Axelay (USA) 6- Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (USA) 7- Civilization (USA) 8- Congo - The Movie - The Secret of Zinj (Europe) (Proto) 9- Congo - The Movie - The Secret of Zinj (USA) (Proto) 10- Congo - The Movie - The Secret of Zinj (USA) 11- David Crane's Amazing Tennis (USA) 12- Duel, The - Test Drive II (USA) 13- Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) 14- Magic Sword (USA) 15- New Horizons (USA)
  4. No, i dont. I use https://www.remove.bg/upload But some logos dont go well. Than, i ask for help here.
  5. And other logos in low resolution about Super Nintendo system. 1- Castlevania - Dracula X (USA) 2- Clay Fighter - Tournament Edition (USA) 3- ESPN Speedworld (USA) 4- Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally & Speed Racer (USA) 5- Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally (USA) 6- First Samurai (USA) 7- Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues (USA) 8- Kirby's Avalanche (USA) 9- Lawnmower Man, The (USA) 10- Legend (USA) 11- Lethal Weapon (USA) 12- Lost Vikings, The (USA) 13- Marvel Super Heroes in War of The Gems (USA) 14- NBA Live 95 15- Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (USA) 16- Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA) 17- Pit-Fighter (USA) 18- Power Moves (USA) 19- Prime (USA) (Unl) 20- Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow & The Flame (USA)
  6. I wanna the NTSC version about Top Gear 3000 (USA). Thanks for your help!
  7. Very thanks, friend!
  8. Hi, friends! Can you make this logos in better quality? 1- Top Gear (USA) 2- Top Gear 2 (USA) 3- Top Gear 3000 (USA) Thanks!
  9. Great, friend! Thanks for your job.
  10. Hi, friend! About what system is this game? Thanks!
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