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Posts posted by xX-Delirium-Xx

  1. Emulator is retroarch

    I dont know why be for some reason launchbox won't start up zipped japanese snes games  but will if I extract and import file directly.

    It mainly seems to effect many japanese games. 


    And  I had a Strang bug for some reason I had a weird thing where two snes games got linked together, example is I had mortal kombat II and secret of mana. When I tried to play mortal kombat II it would play secret of mana instead and strangely when I deleted secret of mana from ghe game folder it also deleted mortal kombat II @_@.

    I  have reinstalled fresh copies of both games and every thingbis fine now. This happen to another set of games as well. I turned off auto importing after this I think it had somthing to do with it.

  2. On 7/27/2023 at 10:05 AM, faeran said:

    A few things to note:

    • LaunchBox will only import supported storefront games that you have currently installed
    • If you delete one of these games from LaunchBox, it won't ever be automatically imported again
    • There's the option to turn this feature off, like C-Beats mentioned
    • Anyone who upgraded to 13.6 will have this option off by default

    the second one is false i deleted games from luanchbox and it just reinstalls it when i boot luanchbox up again

  3. On 6/8/2024 at 2:51 AM, Kefka2b said:

    Strange, I have a collection of more than 200 PS2 games in chd and played at least 60 or 70 but yet to encounter 1 that doesn't work. Can you name a few games that were giving you issues, I'd like to test them as well.

    yeah chd is fine i discovered it was my power save options that was the culprit it was shutting off my external hdd

    • Game On 1
  4. On 6/8/2024 at 2:51 AM, zugswang said:

    What games for instance ?

    I have never experienced this on my chd set ... and I literally have every game.

     my bad comes out it was not chd it was my hdd it kept getting turned off due to power settings. i disable the power save mod for hdd and now every thing is fine

  5. On 11/3/2022 at 4:35 PM, Sbaby said:

    I have the same problem, sometimes yes sometimes no.
    with mame i have it often so i set this third party application that mutes volume bigbox when mame starts and turns bigbox volume back on when mame close




    thank you this works. i can't believe they still have not fixed this still :-(

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