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Everything posted by sandcracker21

  1. Bob: 1) That's correct, there's nothing mapped under controllers in Bix Box for "exit" 2) I've actually never used "regular" launch box on this system so not sure.. 3) Yes, everything seems to be normal when using gameplay tester. 4) Just tried a few other "apps" and yes, it appears to shut them all down if I hold L (not just simply tapping it) Not sure why it's only this controller doing it. Very strange.
  2. 2) This was one of the first things I checked. In both dolphin and big/launch box there are no keys mapped to such. Didn't think this would be an issue since it's ONLY the gamecube controller that has thr problem but I checked anyway. 3) I don't even have Steam on this particular machine. 5) Yes, it seems to happen on all emulators with this controller. I'll get back to you on #4 when I get home.
  3. Very strange problem I'm having. I use Big Box as my front end with multiple emulators and different bluetooth controllers based upon the system. When I launch any gamecube games, in dolphin, I use my PowerA GameCube bluetooth controller. However, anytime I HOLD DOWN L, it quites the game and returns me to Big Box. If I just TAP L, nothing happens. If I launch dolphin by itself, it works normally as well. No other controller does this in dolphin. Its ONLY the powerA gamecube controller and ONLY while in dolphin while using Big box! I've double checked both dolphin settings and Big box settings to make sure I don't have any controller settings links to quite the rom. I've un-installed and reinstalled the controller, updated drivers, etc. I'm at my wits end! I figure this one out
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