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  1. I've been sorting games into different collections depending on how eager I am to play the game. As almost everyone else I naturally sort games into a backlog and completed categorie but try to differentiate the backlog a bit more with games that I really want to play next getting into their own collection so that I remember and in contrast to that games that I'm not htat hot on get their own label so that I don't look at them too often when I try to decide what to play next.
  2. To me a developer commentary is a goodie in a remaster or remake that I'd like to see more often. They don't have to be as goofy as in Half Life 2 where there's actual objects in the world floating around that you can interact with. I really liked playing Deus Ex Human Revolution with the commentary on and hearing that group of developers talk about old concepts that have been tossed or how an idea took shape.
  3. Since a remaster is not a remake a remaster shouldn't change too much but instead fix bugs, errors or blatant design flaws but keep as much of the game "as is". In terms of controls or modern features like quicksaves, higher resolutions etc. I'm all for progress and these things should be included if feasable/possible. Quality of Life enhancements should be optional so you can have the pure experience if you want to. A remake, like the above mentioned Spyro remake or the Demons Souls remake, should be viewed differently. Often the graphics improve dramatically, new assets, a new engine etc. create almost a different kind of game and the developers should be very careful not to diverge too much from the original. Something that can break the experience for me for example would be whole new expansive questlines about minor characters that don't interest me, a lot of meaningless content just to make the game bigger or even a change of the voice actors or iconic sound effects into drastically different directions from the original game. A remake that I couldn't get into for the life of me was Final Fantasy VII. The cardinal sin to me was that it was wasting my time with boring minigames derived from offhand little things from the original game and expansions on characters or world elements that I didn't have any interest in. I get that this is different for different people but the FF VII remake was a slog for me after a certain point. The Midgar section that in the original game takes around 5 hours is stretched to 40 or 50 here which felt unnecessary and a little directionless.
  4. A collection for id Games doesn't sound far off. They haven't released all that much over the years but their catalogue still spans several decades. I love the idea of @MrDeKat even though I already have every single one of these. Amanita is just a severely overlooked developer in the public eye!
  5. I've never had a console growing up so my list will be more PC focused still I've got one N64 game in mind when thinking about party games since it was so prevalent friends households Mario Kart 64 (The Mario Kart game that I've played the most since everyone I knew had this on their N64. A great game to this day) Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed (To me this is the best Kart Race that has ever been. Best items, no Blue Shell, a hell of a soundtrack, soooo many drivers and tracks. Needs a real sequel!) Magicka (The sheer chaos that's ensuing on screen once a fight starts is just a sight to behold. Great fun with any number of friends) Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (This is probably my most played game of all time even though I just played it for a couple of years and then never touched it again. Every other PES that came later didn't live up to it) Castle Crashers (There's countless evenings that I spend with some flatmates way back just playing Castle Crashers for weeks on end. Still think it holds up very well today)
  6. This is hard but in no particular order here's my Top 5: Baldur's Gate 2 (This was just a spectacle from beginning to end. Such a huge game with so many choices and events. Blew my mind back in the day) Beyond Good and Evil (This might be the first time I cried because of a game. There's so much love in BGE you can feel it oozing out of every moment in the game) Thief 2 (THE stealth game. It's the only game I have permanently installed on my PC because there's just so many great fanmissions still coming out to this day) Dishonored 2 (I couldn't decide on which Arkane game is my favourite because almost any game from them is a gem. Dishonored 2 stands for the whole of Arkane as a developer for me) Sonic 3 (In my opinion everything from the first 2 Sonic games comes together into a polished and fulfilling whole. The best Sonic game to this day)
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