Hello everyone, I am using LaunchBox to play multiple different consoles with all my favorite games and love it, because I can use the best emulator for every console.
I tried in multiple ways to get MAME launched with custom parameters to emulate a TI99_4a with a per game specific setting, but failed.
All my TI99_4a games run perfectly, there is just one that I would like to increase its volume. With the sliders option in MAME I was able to change the ti99_4a.cfg file in the mame/cfg folder. But I would like to only apply this channel volume for the game munchman.
What I tried:
renaming the cfg file to munchman.cfg -> it looks like this only works for MAME arcade games not any console games
put a section in the config that was named <system name="munchman">
put a section in the config that was named <software name="munchman"> below the <system name="ti99_4a">
searched for command line arguments to override .cfg file settings
searched for ini parameters to control this slider setting
Thank you for your help.
PS: sorry, if this is the wrong category for the post, feel free to move and happy to be pointed to somewhere else.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
<system name="ti99_4a">
<device instance="cartridge" directory="" />
<device instance="cassette1" directory="" />
<device instance="cassette2" directory="" />
<keyboard tag=":" enabled="1" />
<channel index="1" value="1.800000" />