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About crimsonbelvedere

  • Birthday August 29

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  1. I have been receiving this error on launch related to the Amazon storefront. The bar to import storefront games would continue to run and I was unable to cancel it. I finally turned off automatic imports for storefronts altogether and restarted. I have not seen the error since but please let me know if there is any known way to fix this. Thanks!
  2. Keepin it simple and easy, I love keeping games by Platform Category & seeing all the platform icons nicely stacked next to each other, sub-categories are fine as well but that's just extra manual work.
  3. I know I may be spoiled but I need me some new short stories. A prologue or epilogue, canon side stories. The type of stories that expand on a character or an event in-game. Doesn't have to be any new feat of gameplay mechanics or anything too in-depth, anything will be fine when you have devs that care about the story they want to tell. Something along the lines of a Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (peak btw), the wave 4 DLC to Xenoblade 3. Or Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler, the Extra Mode in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. Masterpieces of their IPs detailing some very unique playing experiences.
  4. I find that qualities that make up a good remaster really aren't that deep and I feel like many companies really like to go overboard and change things they don't need to. I personally do not believe that there should ever be any story changes & there needs to be some plan in place if updating gameplay creates issues with story / story areas. Outside of this, any sort of graphical / audio upgrades are welcome along with making sure gameplay is fluid across all platforms. Usually this means some sort of control changes & overall software optimization. I feel that a remaster is not the time and place to introduce new gameplay / story elements to grab attention but instead a time to show the value in an art piece that finally reached the apex of what it can be.
  5. A collection of ZUN's Touhou games from his company Team Shanghai Alice would be unbelievable. Touhou is such a special series in that ZUN clearly had so much passion behind the first entries in the series but they were also clearly made by just a single person. To have the legacy like he does now and to be unable to play the first five games is just devastating. Its possible to play these games now through a PC-98 emulator but having these games rereleased nearly 30 years later on modern platforms is something ZUN truly deserves. Highly Responsive to Prayers (東方靈異伝, Tōhō Reiiden, lit. "Wondrous Tale", 1997) Story of Eastern Wonderland (東方封魔録, Tōhō Fūmaroku, lit. "Demon-Sealing Record", 1997) Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream (東方夢時空, Tōhō Yumejikū, lit. "Dream Space-Time", 1997) Lotus Land Story (東方幻想郷, Tōhō Gensōkyō, lit. "Fantasy Land", 1998) Mystic Square (東方怪綺談, Tōhō Kaikidan, lit. "Bizarre Romantic Story", 1998)
  6. This got me thinking about some really nostalgic times I haven't thought of in a long time. Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001 GCN) - I've met entire communities from SSBM & it's given me so many social opportunities over the years. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012 Xbox 360) - I'll never forget sweeping the floor with my friends with a Ballista in a quick-scope 1v1 on Nuketown 2025. Golf With Your Friends (2016 Windows) - A recent go-to for late nights online with friends we rarely see. Mario Party 2 (2000 N64) - The only mario party game I can really sit and enjoy for the entire game, MP2 is HILARIOUS. Jackbox Party Pack 3 (2016 Windows) - Tee KO might be the funniest game ever created, I've never laughed so much while playing a game.
  7. A top 5 is super hard to narrow down but here are some definite all-timers. Personality traits, even. Pokémon White (2011 NDS) Kirby Super Star Ultra (2008 NDS) Xenoblade Chronicles (2012 Wii) VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (2016 Windows) Final Fantasy VII (1997 PSX)
  8. I'm a huge fan of the Atelier series and I'm currently playing through the series. Just finished Atelier Marie Remake last week and loved it but it sucks that out of the 25 main-line Atelier games, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are the only ones left untranslated. They've released deluxe remasters of many of the later games in the series as collections and these untranslated 4 games would be a DREAM to have. (A2)Atelier Elie: The Alchemist of Salburg 2 (A3)Atelier Lilie: The Alchemist of Salburg 3 (A4)Atelier Judie: The Alchemist of Gramnad (A5)Atelier Viorate: The Alchemist of Gramnad 2 A collection per each area / storyline makes a lot of sense for these games. Like a Salburg collection & a Gramnad collection.
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