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Everything posted by dreams2k

  1. Hi, I buy Launchbox from google play, but now google play says launchbox is not available. How can I now transfer my license from google play to the current download version of launchbox? Do I need to buy another license or can I use my windows version license? Thanks
  2. I Think i solved the problem. I changed my ISP Dns and work. I use
  3. any idea about i need test?
  4. I tested my speed.
  5. I download and install 2 or 3 times
  6. Hi, For example, update internal database is 30 or 40 minutes. Download one picture from emumovies, is 20 minutes.
  7. Hi, For a few days, I'm noticing that the data (update, search online, downloads) are very slow. I have tested both the official version and the beta versions and the same problem occurs. Any ideas or solutions?
  8. I use openmsx and the result is same
  9. Hi, Whe i add a new emulator, the paramater (command line) don't work for example: I use bluemsx to my msx games command : blueMSX.exe - /fullscreen /diskA "RUTA/COMPLETA/HACIA/ARCHIVO/ROM" but don't work the emulator bluemsx launch but without parameters how: bluemsx.exe but i used the same command in dos command works
  10. New version don't start.
  11. Hello, I work as a programmer in delphi, and I wonder if you'd need help to make this project grows up?. The truth is that I really like, is a program that meets a lot of the characteristics that i have always looking for but I never found. If you think I can be of help you just have to tell me.
  12. Thanks, My problem exactly is that i had a large collection of roms. If I use the batch capture, it can take days to download all the graphics etc ... Therefore I need to cut the batch capture, and continue after when I have time
  13. Ok, the new version was corrected the error when i add batch of roms is canceled. But still does not add roms already scanned. I propose a solution. Your code would be something similar to this: 1) read Roms 2) init routine until last roms 2.1) Read rom 2.2) search Internet to covers, etc... 2.3) download covers, etc... 2.4) next roms 3) write in launchbox the roms (with covers, etc..) if error, cancel, etc occurs the 3 step don't make.... My proposed code: 1) read roms 2) init routine until last roms 2.1) read rom 2.2) search intenet to covers, etc... 2.3) download covers my option..... 2.4 write roms in launchbox (covers, etc..) 2.4) next roms 3) end... if error,cancel, etc occurs the launch has write all the roms until error or cancel.
  14. Confirmed. The Launchbox is incompatible with the Vjoy software. Vjoy is a software to emulate a gamepad via the keyboard. I install LaunchBox, it works fine. After I install vjoy, Launchbox does not respond to mouse in the menus. I uninstall vjoy tall and LaunchBox run correctly now.
  15. Thanks. It's a good work.
  16. tools -> Import Roms... When i cancel the launch box crash a nd no add nothing. Add i install Vjoy to control gamepad with the keyboard. The launchbox, no response to mouse.
  17. Hello, I found a problem when a massive addcion is canceled. The program gives an error and lose all the information so far. would be some way to fix it? Thanks
  18. Hello, I think it would be a great idea to take data from Mobygames and Underdogs, as their databases of games are very big and easy to access. Thanks and great job
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