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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Looking great Jason! Also, sorry for disappearing for a while, school is giving me a lot of work xD
  2. Oh, I was referring to the importer, Doing it manually is pretty easy like you said, and you can find the images even on Google. Well, if there's no way, I can always try to help increase the games database then
  3. Or we could find a way to download the images from the Steam website itself, but I don't know how that could possibly be done =P
  4. I did some more research, and apparently Steam saves the grid images, game icons and lots of other data on the httpcache folder, so that doesn't help anyway, because that folder is a complete mess from what I've seen.
  5. So, I was thinking lately, Steam has a TON of games, and lots of them are indie titles that probably don't have a GamesDB.net page, or if they have, they don't have a boxart, mainly because these games were always digital. My idea is to add an option to LaunchBox, that allows you to use the default game images that Steam uses on grid view and Big Picture when importing Steam games, instead of downloading the images from GamesDB.net. The problem is, I don't know if that's possible, as I don't recall Steam actually saving those images on the PC. Any thoughts on this? *EDIT*: BTW, if it is indeed possible, it could become a great way of separating Steam and PC as different platforms (I actually do that on my LaunchBox setup, so I know what I installed from CD's and what is digital.)
  6. I think this is a important feature to implement, pretty useful and looks great, it could even make the blown-up boxart option look better, as there are various games on thegamesdb that have blocky/low quality/small resolution front covers
  7. Hey Jason, I made a mock-up based on the OpenEmu style with the ''Charms bar'' idea from bd with a kinda ''Modern'' look, tell me what you guys think: Also, there's these ''TV Mode'' mock-ups I made just for fun, in case Jason makes a feature like Steam Big Picture someday and needs some ideas: That's it, opinions/thoughts are welcome
  8. Mine is Vini_256, if anyone wants to add me
  9. So I tested again today, redownloaded the beta, added a few N64 games and 1 PC game, same result, the .zip file contains everything needed, minus the .exe, I use Windows 7, could it be related to the problem? Better wait to some more input from the other testers before we jump to any conclusions though =P
  10. Odd, it seems that no matter what I choose/don't choose, it won't make the .exe appear, maybe it has something to do with my computer? I will try again tomorrow and see what happens, I have to sleep now
  11. From what I tried so far, it seems to work fine, but when I export the games, even though the option to include LaunchBox is selected, the LaunchBox .exe isn't on the .zip file.
  12. That .png will do! Thanks bd!
  13. Hey Jason, do you have by any chance a PNG file of the LaunchBox logo? I want to try to make a video ad of sorts for LaunchBox using Vegas, it would be fun to do and could help me learn video editing better.
  14. SentaiBrad said I was planning on donating several times when I can. So the first $10 I donate next Thursday will be on your behalf. That's very nice of you, thanks! I'll try to help advertising or spreading the word about LaunchBox everytime I can =D
  15. Jason Carr said - Would you find it offensive or would it leave a bad taste in your mouth if LaunchBox went to this free/premium model? Not at all. Jason Carr said - Assuming you hadn't already donated, would you pay to upgrade to the better version with advanced features? I would love to contribute by donating or buying the program, the problem is that I'm still 15 and to buy things on the internet is already terrible, because I have to ask my parents to buy stuff for me, and knowing my parents, they won't let me donate, sadly
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