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Everything posted by davyfreeman

  1. Imo, what's a major inconvenience in using the combination of custom fields and nested playlists in the way I envisioned it, back when I created this topic, is the lack of drop down menus on those custom fields. As of right now the user has to type every value out by hand and that is a lot of work, not to mention the potential for misspelling. Sure, the drop down menus were added to the bulk edit, but that is only moderately helpful. It negates the option to properly edit games on an individual basis. Going by your example, the easiest way would be to keep the game entries as is and only change the path to the game files. That way all the values you entered for your games will stay intact.
  2. So, since the thread about the current feature poll is closed, I thought I'd quickly write a few words about that playlist feature, that is being considered. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement that, so my idea could just be an additional thing that goes alongside that playlist feature. And it's also pretty self explainatory: A tagging feature. I imagine it like this: Edit a game, there's a field for tags, much like the genre field etc., type in a few tags and save it. The tags you already used will now be listed with boxes that can be ticked (again, like the other fields) It could be used to sort games by artstyle for example with tags like "pixel" "low-poly" "realistic" or atmosphere with "colorful" "spooky" "sad". Or the style of game like "cineastic/narrative" "casual" to better differentiate between games with strong focus on story and games that are more score-based. Evenutally "Tags" would be another way to sort your games by, much like Genre, Platform, Developer, Publisher, etc. It's similar to the custom fields, I know, but I believe the way I imagine it, it would be easier to use and when the nesting feature is realized it could be beautifully combined with it. A silly example: Filter games that are single player, feature dragons (tag: dragons) and have pixel art. Technically it's a request I guess, but I'm interested to heart what you have to say about it. I for one would find a feature like that incredibly useful.
  3. Here ya go: Click Edit: I included the images now as two zip files, because I think something went wrong with the imgur upload, not all the images are there. 01.zip 02.zip
  4. I have seen something like this aswell. Someone resized high res clear logos to something like 200x400 and labeled it as "properly sized". I wasn't sure how to moderate that, though I would tend to reject it, cause who knows how BigBox will evolve and maybe someday could make use of high res logos. Would be a shame to loose images of higher quality, especially if someone put a lot of work into cutting out the logos like those guys from the request thread. What do you guys think is a proper size?
  5. Yo yo, sorry for taking over a year to even see this. Wasn't a very active forum member... If you are still interested, I can upload these images for you (or anyone else)
  6. Hey guys and gals, awesome work you've been doing. It inspired me to do some of my own. Mine are not exclusively for Indies since I aim to achieve a unified look and eventually do box arts like this for all my games. For convenience sake I have uploaded all to an imgur folder, here's the link: Davy's custom boxes (168 images) But I have also uploaded them to the Database, though it will take a while until all of it is approved I also did a lot of clear logos. Should I post them somewhere in the forum? I have started uploading a bunch of them to the DB, but still have many on my drive. That's all for now! Everybody else working on this, keep up the good work!
  7. I don't mind at all. Glad you like it. =) And thanks for writing such a beautiful program. It is, by far, the best front end app I have used. Simplistic, very user friendly and yet enough options for customization. I tried to get into GameEx or Maximus Arcade and it was way too complicated, at least for me. And Big Picture Mode in Steam has almost no customizable features and was also a bit slow and unresponsive at times. Your application is nearly perfect for my needs. So kudos to you, sir! An excellent program. I do have a few thoughts and ideas though. I may post them sometime in the designated thread. Oh, and as not to appear rude: Thanks Clive, I appreciate the feedback.
  8. Hey guys! Two days ago I got myself a premium license and have been experimenting with the spacing. I wanted a tight gridview similar to Steams Big Picture Mode. So, to clarify, there is no spacing. The images are back to back and I'm quite content with how it looks now. Without further ado, I present: Of course I am not done yet. I have finished adding my PC games just now and gonna continue with various Emulator. I especially wanted to show off, because I spent a lot of time on making these custom images, since I got the license. So I hope you enjoy and if anyone is interested in these images, I am more than willing, nay happy, to share them. Just post to this thread, if you're interested.
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