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Everything posted by thiagocostaalves

  1. Merry Christmas to all developers and members of the forum ! May God bless you abundantly and that 2016 be a prosperous year in all areas of life of each.
  2. KyaeroSaber said Can you mount games and run them in SSF without LaunchBox? This will tell us if it's a problem with SSF or the .bat shortcut. Also, SSF seems to know that mount is a command, it's saying that the syntax is wrong. I was thinking you might check DTLite's Virtual Device Manager settings to see if "0" corresponds with the virtual drive you're using. I'm having problems with SSF at the moment as well. Yes, i can mount a game outside Launchbox and play. Uninstalled DT Lite and installed DT Pro...same problem. is there another command line? EDIT: WOW! i made it! only adding "dt" do the job! @echo off set daemon="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" start "" %daemon% -mount dt, 0, %1% start /wait "" "SSF.exe" %daemon% -unmount dt, 0 Thanks for the help!!!
  3. Nice background is that from a game? This background is from the game Guardian Heroes for Sega Saturn. EDIT: I uploaded for you:
  4. The command line parameter is the same in portuguese, nothing changes. I forgot to show that the error also occurs to mount , not only to unmount any ideas?
  5. Thanks for the quick reply! Its a mount parameter error that im having: The .bat file is: @echo off set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" start "" %daemon% -mount 0, %1% start /wait "" "SSF.exe" %daemon% -unmount 0
  6. Hello, im having the same problem with SSF and DTlite...YAbause runs but the emulation is awful. Help!
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