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Everything posted by eternal_sage

  1. Ok... Finally got home to see what had happened... and it worked. Sort of. I had to restart Launchbox to see it, but I did have correct names for many of my MAME games... and really wrong ones for others... but that is mostly my fault for not using MAME.dat first, I believe. I am testing that theory by deleting the old MAME library and importing again from scratch. EDIT: Ok, now I see why you don't want to have Launchbox try and d/l art and data when importing. It will get some of the names wrong, and then the importer (which is a bit of a misnomer, as far as I can tell) can't fix it or d/l the correct information. So the best course of action is to import into Launchbox without looking up stuff, then using the "importer" to fix all the names with ArcadeHits.com or whatever (which will also d/l some data, like release date and such). Using MAME.dat will only fix the names, although I've found that arcadehits doesn't always find the data you need either, so re-running the "importer" with the MAME.dat will fix any names that are still incorrect, but it will leave any that were already fixed.
  2. MESS vs MAME basically comes down to square vs rectangle. MESS is an offshoot of MAME that only emulates old consoles and what i call console-pcs (msx, comodore64 etc). It does this the same way that MAME does, by dividing the actual emulated chips up so that only one copy is ever needed, reducing code redundancy and space requirements. To play a game on either you have to have the driver, bios, and game rom, and to my understanding these files are interchangable between them if you know how. MESS is just a package of drivers for a subset of MAME that has enough popularity to stand on its own.
  3. Ok. Sorry its been awhile, but been busy with work and all that. Anyway... I installed MAME 0.158 and updated my rom sets. I then configured MAME outside of launchbox so it knew where to find my BIOS etc. I then set it up in launchbox (and no, its not the same thing as MESS but I'll explain that later) and imported my roms from launchbox the standard way. It did its thing, and I had no art or fixed titles, but they function. I then went to the MAME installer and clicked the arcade.com button at the bottom which let me access the second tab which showed me the games in lauchbox! I clicked import and it started fixing names although I haven't seen the result yet as I'm back at work and it is still working. Crossed fingers!
  4. Ok... thanks! Edit: Actually, I checked his profile, and it seems that he hasn't visited since September, and I don't see any method to send him an e-mail. Thanks anyway, I'll try some other ideas I've had.
  5. Heya. First off, just got Launchbox up and running and so far I'm loving it. Planning on upgrading to the premium version on payday. But thats not why I am posting this. I grabbed the MAME importer and a copy of the mame.dat that I had just used to update all my MAME roms, looking forward to getting my favorite system (love me some vertical shooters :D) going on this thing. Unfortunately, when I start the program the information area where you can tell it where to look for your roms and all that seems to be frozen. What I mean by that is that it seems that I can't edit any of it. I can press the buttons at the bottom (USE mame.dat and USE arcade hits) and can even press go after selecting one of those, but of course, its pointing to the wrong place, so I can't do anything with it. Sorry if this is confusing Thanks in advance for any help!
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