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  1. Jason Carr said Thank you @diegogskt. Did you use the latest translation package (from today) when you translated those? :) I downloaded the file "Language-pt-BR.zip" (in day 31/July/2016) that you posted on the first page of this topic. @Jason Carr @AFaustini Do not use the file from my previous post , use this: Language-pt-BR-OK.zip I edited again because I had not seen the following message: WARNING: Do not open up all the files at once in Zeta Resource Editor! This unfortunately causes occasional conflicts and can be hard to fix later. You'll want to make sure to open each set of files individually.
  2. edsonlima88 said diegogskt said e ae cara, blz? sou do Brasil tbm, estou com um simples problema de fechar os emuladores pelo joystick, tem como me dar uma luz? forte abraço! @edsonlima88 desculpe a demora! Se você ainda estiver precisando de ajuda me mande uma MP.
  3. Below is a list of small translation errors that occur only in BigBox (Portuguese-Brazil) In Game Details: Wrong: "Desenvolvedor" Right: "Desenvolvedor:" In English: "Developer:" Wrong: "Lançado para" Right: "Lançado em" In English: "Released on" In Platform Details: Wrong: "Emulador Padrao:" Right: "Emulador Padrão:" In English: "Default Emulator:" Wrong: "Memoria:" Right: "Memória:" In English: "Memory:" Wrong: "Midia:" Right: "Mídia:" In English: "Media:" Wrong: "Maximo de Controles:" Right: "Máximo de Controles:" In English: "Max Controllers:" In BigBox Main Menu: Wrong: "Atrás" Right: "Voltar" In English: "Back" Wrong: "View All Games" Right: "Ver Todos os Jogos" In English: "View All Games" Below is the link to the corrected translation Language-pt-BR.zip
  4. I'm going to vote. tks!
  5. My suggestions to improve LaunchBox are: in the game details panel: * ability to hide "Portable". * ability to hide "Last Played". * ability to hide "Play Count". * ability to hide "Added on modified". Launchbox is amazing! Thanks!
  6. custom filter option is very useful... tks for everything @jasoncarr!
  7. 86 games in total. Requires 4 or more xbox controllers. Launchbox 5.6 beta-1 Windows 7 64bits
  8. to make the covers I used program called "cover commander" . then I reduced the size of the PNG using the program called "fileoptimizer" . I can close and change games without touching the keyboard or mouse , with the help of "JoyToKey" program. everything works perfectly , thank you again for this incredible app sorry for my english, i'm brazilian.
  9. launchbox desktop mode in fullscreen thank you jason
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