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Everything posted by bookw

  1. I guess that's what I get for not looking harder, sorry! But thanks for help and if you eventually do the more advanced sorting options then I'd be even happier with the program, it is useful in these sorts of apps (reverse sorting), maybe even being able to select a second and third sort field, so you could really customize the order of the list. Thanks again for the help and sorry for the trouble!
  2. Say you have a series of games that you want to appear in order by their place in the series. But the titles of the games aren't released in an alphabetical sequence (like the Fire Emblem games for example which don't use numbers in the subtitles vs say Final Fantasy which would have numbering in it, but I'm not certain it properly parses roman numerals so "IX" comes after "VIII"? If it does that's great) so the Title sort puts them out order and you get the 4th game in the series listing first, and so on. Sure, you could probably force a sort by giving them custom titles, but I'd prefer just to leave the title to be correct. So I could make a custom field called "Sort Title," and put the custom title there, but I believe sorting by this custom field would cause every game to appear in it's own row if I'm not mistaken, instead of grouping them in one big bunch like Title sort? I guess I was trying out the "Series" sort too, and it just wastes too much space for my liking for games that aren't in a series (you get tons of rows with just one item). Maybe it would be nice to have all the entries that have less than two games in the series fall to the bottom in a single group?
  3. On further examination a "Date Added" sort does sort newest to oldest, I mixed that up with "Release Date." I was hoping to have the option when I select sort by Release Year (or any sorting option) to reverse the sort so any sort could be A-Z or Z-A... don't know how much work that would be. Though it would be particularly nice for Release Year if nothing else, it's a neat sort, and it makes a little sense to have an option where all the newer games show up first, as great as all those games from the 80s and 90s are, my newer purchases are usually more relevant. :) Also, I guess while I have your attention, is there a way to sort it alphabetically without special groupings by a custom field (like "sort name" and sort name would just be generally the same as the game title, but in cases of a series of games with non-numerical naming that causes the games to go in a bad order, you could enforce numerical naming with the sort field tag, without having to resort to an incorrect title, to sort the series in the desired order (usually chronologically, but however you'd like)).
  4. This never made it in, did it? Would be useful...
  5. Seems like the perfect fit to me, to have the rectangular Steam banner run as the first part of the details panel on the right, Above the item name. I feel it might make all the subsequent text that follows a little nicer, having the banner across the top. Plus there are usually tons of custom steam banners available, so it'd be easy enough to give it a different look to avoid it being the same as the image in the middle on the grid of games. Also, would be nice to have the video trailer show first above all the screenshots/fanart at the bottom of the text, as it is mostly invisible in the regular mode. I know people are particular about how things are arranged, but if somehow you could have an option to display these things in what order, that should please most everyone... or just keep it the way it is. It does seem like having that ~270x480 pixel banner above the detailed description would be a nice header.
  6. Probably been asked for, but some things I would find useful are: Date Completed field that could be sort-able by a filter, like how Release Date works, so you get a bunch of years to click on instead, letting you see what you've finished each year. We have a last played field and a completed check box, but there's no way to view last played as a filter like release date, and the check box for completion isn't very informative either. Plus last played and date completed aren't necessarily the same, if you just launch a game to check something out, it would update the date and no longer be correct. Review score, field for metacritic score (or whatever source you prefer - for movies you could use IMBD or TMDB, etc, most media formats have a similar score). Could make this a custom field I suppose, but I'm not exactly sure if the program can interpret the field in to groups like it does with the Star Rating, where you'd be able to filter games by their score. Star rating: Would like to see an option to have it based out of 10, not 5, so half stars would be an ideal solution. Probably could make it a custom field too, but doubt it would show up as nicely in the details panel like the current stars do. Hmm... I see some of this has already been put on the to-do list which I just noticed the link to. Well, I suppose it can't hurt to leave the reasoning and details for the fields, in case they are more comprehensive than what was planned.
  7. SentaiBrad said Most of what you've asked for is actually planned. So just give it time. Remember to all the new forum posters, Jason is the only coder on the project, with a family and job. So sometimes, certain area's can take a while to get updated. If its on the list, its on the list. :P Is the list shared somewhere? Just wondering what stuff is being considered down the line and what not to ask about.
  8. Hi, Have to say this is an incredibly nice (option-rich and visually) front-end. Just purchased it and was pretty amazed how well it runs and with the Big Box mode even playing videos! My biggest initial concern is there's currently no filters in big box mode for displaying only installed games (or in the program at all, really, but you can setup a custom filter I suppose - still for a gaming software, a field for whether or not the game is actively installed would be nice). This seems to be an issue more for big box where it's harder to navigate through 100s of games than the regular mode. I imagine this feature will eventually make it in, but it'd be nice to have for sure! I don't leave a ton of games installed, so despite owning 100s of games, maybe 10 or so stay installed at a time. Having to browse through a list of 100s of games to select one of those 10 seems like a bit confusing to me, sorry if I overlooked an option that's already in as I'm new to the software.
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