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  1. Thank you! All of these turned out awesome!
  2. The Duke Nukem Logos you did were awesome! Can you make a similar one for Doom Mods? Thanks!
  3. Thank you! These are perfect! Great job!
  4. This would really help me out whenever you time. If you could add some kind of "MODS" tag to it, it would be even better. Regardless, I really appreciate your help! Great work! Thank you!
  5. Thank you! I will give this a shot.
  6. Its formatted ExFat. The Error started after I updated a few weeks ago,
  7. Ive tried using multiple themes and it still pops up. In particular all 3 versions of Unified theme.
  8. Hey guys. It seems like everytime I load Bigbox Im getting this error multiple times. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  9. Awesome! Ill keep that in mind. Thanks again!
  10. How did I not see that? Thank you! Very easy
  11. Hey guys! Im importing all my mame roms and everything is going great except theres a few instances where I want to have seperate icons for 2 differant versions of the same rom. I know I can right click on the rom to play whichever version but thats not what Im looking for. Specifically, in this instance, I want to have an image for Street Fighter II: Championship Edition, and an image for Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition (a bootleg of Championship Edition). How can I seperate them? Thanks for your help!!
  12. Hey guys! Ive been importing alot of NES games and Ive had a few that cant get videos because of Emumovies not recognizing it. Im sure its because these particular games have slight variations in title depending on where you look. What do you guys do to get videos for these games. It looks like you cant download games individually from the Emumovies site, so is everyone downloading the entire video catalog and just picking out the few that dont match through Launchbox? If theres another way please let me know. Thanks! A few of the games are: Town & Country Surf Designs II: Thrilla's Surfari The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants Cyber Stadium Series: Base Wars G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor (has a video but its the wrong one. Its the same video as the other NES GI Joe game, lol)
  13. That's also a good idea. The only downside I see to this is the really long download time since you will be downloading videos for all steam games you own and not just the games you want.
  14. Thank you! Thats better than no video at all, lol. Better get started.
  15. After testing multiple imports at the same time it seems to work ok. However, because its not using the Steam importer its not downloading the Steam videos. Is there a way to get the Steam videos without using the Steam importer?
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