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  1. I had that same problem when I used true fullscreen. True fullscreen introduced all sorts of problems when trying to use other programs outside of Kodi, so I just fell back on windowed fullscreen. If you have crazy graphics resources then I wouldn't worry about loss of performance; I haven't seen any problems and I have a GeForce GTX 960, which is pretty mid-grade. YMMV though. Your other option is to try Launcher4Kodi. That actively monitors Kodi's status and forces back focus depending on certain rules you set up. I have mine set up to allow Big Box to steal focus and then when Big Box closes it will give it back to Kodi. You also might want to try the latest LaunchBox beta. You can find it in the forums.
  2. @Syriacn I am using Windows 10 and I have the same issue: starting Big Box with this add-on will definitely show the taskbar for me. It's not really an issue I particularly mind but I can at least confirm it happens in 10, with v1.3 of your add-on. Thanks, btw, for writing it! It's so much better than having to use Advanced Launcher.
  3. I'm not really sure but I had to do the same thing: use windowed fullscreen. I'd read that it's a DirectX thing where apps want exclusive control in true fullscreen and fight. I couldn't get things working well in Kodi without using the windows fullscreen, so I just gave up and used that. If you use the Launcher4Kodi it can replace the windows shell so you won't see the desktop at all...but YMMV. Quick fix would be to hide the taskbar I suppose (I have given thought to doing that) but you'd still see your desktop wallpaper during transitions.
  4. General question for people trying out the betas: Since Launchbox is portable, do you install each new beta to new folders? I want to do this so as not to possibly mess up my main install (after a load of setup work it's just about perfect!), but wonder if there's anything I should keep in mind. Thanks!
  5. Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by 4 different settings? Like 80%, 100%, 120%, etc.? Or something else entirely?
  6. @tjwoosta you may want to try using the "Launcher4Kodi" application in Windows (it has nothing to do with LaunchBox/Big Box). It has settings for having Kodi retake focus/unminimize after another application takes control. It can be a little finicky but once you get it set up it's very useful. Also you may want to check out the settings for this plugin. There is a setting for it to close and re-open Kodi. That may show you your desktop for a brief second but it guarantees Kodi will be there when you close Big Box.
  7. The DPI scaling thing is something that seems to be important for large screens such as with HTPCs and the like. I learned this trick while trying to get Winamp to display correctly on a TV. I don't know what it does but it has helped with many random display issues I've had.
  8. Yeah, anything that adds a little more control over what happens to the associated games in these situations would be helpful, I think. Thanks for such a great application and your amazing responsiveness!
  9. @Maddoc1007 yes, this totally works! I don't know what kind of version I had before but this one works perfectly. And 4x renderers too! Bonus. @Jason I think the quickest workaround for this would be to include a "fullscreen" option in the controller hotkeys like there is in the regular LaunchBox. That way if this does happen to someone in Big Box they can just assign the hotkey and hit that to return Big Box to fullscreen. (this is assuming the graphical issue hasn't messed up the focus on Big Box) For future readers: One thing in Windows I have noticed that sometimes fixes graphical issues is the DPI scaling option in Windows compatibility settings. Right-click on the EXE of the emulator in question and choose Compatibility, then check "Disable Display Scaling on High DPI Settings."
  10. @Maddoc1007 thanks! What's really weird is that my Fusion, despite being 3.64c, doesn't have a video menu like that. It starts at "Normal" down, but I don't see anything above that. Maybe this is the problem. I also don't have any render plugins above 2x. I think I need to do some searching and see if I can find the version you have.
  11. Cool, thanks! That's very useful to know. However, I do think that when one changes the default emulator for a platform, it would be intuitive that it automatically changes the individual game associations to the new default emulator. My library is still very difficult to use as per my third point above, so once I get that squared away I'll try some more testing.
  12. Hi, I'm really loving the LaunchBox interface. Comparing between this and EmulationStation/Retroarch I have to say it's the right balance of features and ease-of-use. Once I can get my emulators all running smoothly, Big Box will be an integral part of my Kodi setup. I've been experimenting with multiple emulators for the same platform (Genesis in this case) and because of that really messed up my games library. Here are some issues I've run into. Addressing these issues would vastly improve the usability of Launchbox I think. *Changing the default emulator for a platform from one registered emulator to another doesn't work; games will still run through the initially-registered emulator. I think registering a new emulator as the default emulator should alter the association within the individual game configuration *Deleting the default emulator for a platform completely hoses that platform's library. All games are still associated with the initial default emulator, and can't be changed to a new one. Re-importing the platform's games does not work (0 successfully imported). *Deleting a platform orphans all its games, with no way to get rid of those games other than manual deletion. I understand this can be prevented by manually deleting all games before deleting the platform, but I think games should be removed along with the platform (rather than being orphaned) or something else. Re-importing roms to the same platform fails (0 successfully imported). After having done this several times I can confirm it's not easy to find a way around these issues. I have to wipe and reinstall Launchbox every time. Anyway, just thought I'd give some feedback. Great work Jason!
  13. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm aware that this is a problem that has nothing to do with Launch/Big Box, but had hoped that someone here might have found a way to work around it! After all, there's gotta be someone emulating on their HTPC and found a way to keep things going smoothly. Then again, maybe not...
  14. Hi, First off let me say I'm really enjoying the Launchbox experience. It's really enhancing my return to the emulator scene. Anyway, on to my problem. With both Gens and Fusion, exiting out of fullscreen messes up my Big Box setup. I don't know why, but upon exit all windows are resized (not minimized, but that in-between thing, whatever that's called in Windows). This includes Big Box, which means that totally wrecks the HTPC experience. Has anyone had experience with this? What might be done to solve this? It should be noted that this does NOT happen with Nestopia or Snes9x. I had to change Snes9x's rendering to DirectDraw (vs. Direct3d) to get fullscreen at all. Using GensPlus and changing the backend from GDI to DirectDraw or Direct3d gets all sorts of errors. Perhaps this is related? I've pretty much exhausted the video settings in both Gens and Fusion. Is there something I'm missing? Spec stuff: Windows 10 (I've tried lots of different compatibility settings to no avail) Gens & Fusion are both the latest versions NVIDIA GTX 960
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