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Posts posted by Garifornia

  1. Hello, i was revisiting some of my old FIFA games and just wondered if anyone has got FIFA World Cup 2002 to run ok on windows 10. Start menus are fine but for me it keeps crashing when you get to the match.

  2. Hi Everyone, Thought i play some PS1 on Launchbox, not done so for a while. I'm fairly sure the Disc image would appear and spin before game loads but there's no sign of it. I quite liked that feature. Has it been removed or am i doing something wrong ? I'm using the Launchbox Default theme and epsxe.

    UPDATE. . . Found the problem. 'Use game Startup' was unticked !

  3. I was wondering if anybody has got 'World Cup 98', by EA, to play a match using epsxe. This was my fave game back in the day and the only PS1 game i have had an issue with. The menu loads up up but the game sticks on the pre-match loading screen. I have also tried various iso's.  

  4. Hi scree. Thanks for your reply on this. Iv'e found a solution to run the game with Launchbox by designating Demon Attack its own emulator. I tried using Nostalgia 4.2 and it works. So the initial problem must be a bug or something to do with version 5. Alot of messing for one game but its nice to run all games from Launchbox.
  5. scree said Hi folks. I'm using Nostalgia 5 to emulate the Mattel Intellivision. At the moment I have 12 Intellivision games set up in LaunchBox. 11 launch perfectly, but Demon Attack fails to launch and gives me the error shown in the first attached image below. Also, if I set LaunchBox aside and use the emulator itself (see image 2 below), I can launch this game either by clicking on it in the games list or by clicking the Run Selected Game option in the File menu. However, using the Load File option returns an error similar to the LaunchBox one. This issue appears to lie with either the game or the emulator and not with LaunchBox. Just wondering if any members using this system have had a similar issue with this particular game and if they found a solution to run it in LaunchBox.
    Hi, have this problem also. Having compiled a 600+ Atari 2600 and Fairchild collection, 29 games into the Intellivision games, this is the first game that won't run from Launchbox. Like you say , it runs by double clicking in Nostalgia. Have tried the rom file from different sources but still no joy. Sorry i can't help but wondered if you had found a solution.
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