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Everything posted by HerrVorragend1975

  1. I just learned that this theme is for widescreen only, but i am owning an old, 10-years-old fullHD-mon, so can i hope to use this fantastic setup anytime soon ?!
  2. Dear CDBlue, i dont have retroarch installed and i wont do it as i use the particular,single emulators for each system. But what i did was entering the command-line even BEFORE i had this soundloop-problem. I changed "-slowboot" (which executed the soundloop!) to "-fastboot". Now i cannot see the bios any longer, but the games are playing correctly. Thanks nevertheless dear CDBlue for the fast reply. Thread can be closed now...
  3. Hello, there ! Following problem: When i start a game (mainly "WCW Nitro" & "WCW Thunder"), the bios sound is still payed even when i see the FMV of the game. I mean, the end of the bios-sound gets looped even when i am in-game !! It is a launchbox-problem, because when i launch up ePSXe alone, i can play these games without any soundloops. Now, what can i do to stop the bios ?!
  4. Dear neil9000, thanks for your reply but you got me wrong ... I want to hide ALL games of ONE platform which have no media, not singularly. And the REST of the platforms should show the media ... How can i adjust it by platform ?!? Hope to be clear ...
  5. Dear neil9000, thank you very much, it worked by unchecking "hide media" !! But: How can i hide the games of missing media on SEVERAL platforms, not them all ? I wanna know this because i made a C64 - platform and i want to hide these f****cking "basic"-roms who have no box-art or what so ever. The rest of all platforms should show the media ! How to do this ?!?
  6. Hello, following problem: When i try to import "Wii-U"-Games, LB tells me that 0 games were imported. I followed the guide on YouTube by "unbroken software", but, still no luck ... I´m using the latest version of "cemu", but thats not the problem. I filted the ".rpx" files of all rom-folders, checked all media-files (emumovies) and renamed all games on the "ready to import" menu by clicking the (weird) name of the .rpx-file. As a result there was no game imported and so no box-art. Do i have to check "use folder-name instead of rom-name" ?! What else can it be ?!
  7. Thanks, "neil9000", it worked !!
  8. Hello, following problem: When i start up "Big Box" ( which needs 20 seconds to start, but this is another problem ), it shows me the platforms, which is correct, BUT ... When i choose "Arcade" and press enter again, it shows me all arcade games, but i want it to show the "genres" first ! This problem happens after playing around in the settings, but i can not restore the default settings to show me the genres ! I am using "nostalgia" videos. Now, what can i do ?!
  9. Thanks for your reply, Littlefoot. Yeah, this is what i did on "Launchbox". But i mean that the "genres" shall be shown on "BigBox (!!)" for all platfoms. And this with graphical genres, these are genres that look like "clear-logos", only with "departments" of games. Where to download them ?!
  10. I am about and on it to delete all that C64 thing completely ! Made an audition and saw a list of all games and media messed-up; even sorting by file-path, no luck ... It wasn´t still in the right order. Now i´m extracting a "Commodore 64" - rom-pack i found on "Youtube", to start from scratch. Nevertheless: Thank you for your fast help, Jophran !
  11. Thanks, Jophran ! I must admit that i deleted all media folders some days ago, BUT ... Now the games are pointing to the video file IN the rom - directory, it looks like: "Commodore 64 / Roms / mp4" ! Started yesterday to audit all games but it took so long, so i am gonna rerun this this morning when i have time ...
  12. Dear Jophran, first of all: Thanks for your fast reply ! I did an audit already yesterday, still shows me the snap of a videofile ... I had the media files seperated in a some folders, but these folders were within the rom - dir. Perhaps this is the reason why it pointed to the .mp4-media !! How can i sort the files by the filename ? Did an examination of all files and sorted by file - extension, but there were nevertheless mixed up, that means that the .mp4 - files were not compact together ( Sorry for my bad english ... ) ! Hope for an answer, Daniel
  13. Hello, new day, new problem: I set up my "Commodore 64" - platform as good as possible, BUT ... While i was attempting to play a game, nothing happens. When i looked into the rom directory, it pointed to an .mp4-video - file ! I found out that this happens to the half of my C64 - games, especially when i only have the videofile AND no rom for that game. Now: How can i update it to point to the rom-directory and delete media for games that i don´t have ?!
  14. Thank you very much, Lordmonkus. This is what i´ve been searching for !!
  15. Hello there, i am sorry if it was asked and answered before, but i did not find anything matching my question ... Following problem: When i startup "BigBox" it should first show the platforms of all devices that i implemented in "Launchbox". This is what it does, BUT ... When pressing "Enter", it should lead into a selection of all "Genres", no matter which system i have chosen, yes, even "Computers" and "Consoles", for example. How to do it ? And second: Where can i get those, erm, i don´t know to describe it, these "colourful genres" ( i mean the opposite of plain white texts ) for others than arcade, again, Computers ( Commodore 64 ) and Consoles ( for example "PSP" ) ?! Help would be appreciated !!
  16. I am sorry if it was asked and answered before, but i didn´t see it because i´m too lazy too search for it ... Once i saw a movie in Youtube that showed Launchbox showing the computers, handhelds, arcade and console by their respective names, not the generic names. Now my question: How can i delete the "platform categories" like consoles and handheld, just showing f.e. c64, ps2, arcade-gamenames and so on ... ?! But i want the categories still to be shown in BigBox because the videos are so cute ? ! Help appreciated ...
  17. I resolved this problem by myself ... To those who have similar problems: First i imported all roms WITHOUT downloading media by unchecking the boxes. Then, after it finished, i have chosen to download just the unexisting videos etc. BAM ! There u have it !!!!!
  18. Hello, there ! First of all: Sorry for my english, i am not a native speaker ... Following problem: I started to import all my "Mame" roms and media. It took my several hours to do so. Now, after a while, i got some errors that my partition is full. So i copied all my files ( roms and media ) to a newly formatted partition. They are all there, but when i launch LB, there is nothing, not a single "Mame"-game !! So how can i fast re-import again, without starting from scratch ?!
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