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Walk left

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Everything posted by Walk left

  1. 5.8 beta 3,windows 7 64bits: 1. Can't play video in same Partition with launchbox: Game video path: '..\StarCraft2CinematicTrailer_EnglishUS.avi' After restart launchbox: Manually change Game video path to 'D:\StarCraft2CinematicTrailer_EnglishUS.avi' then worked! But in edit windows still display the Game video path: '..\StarCraft2CinematicTrailer_EnglishUS.avi' 2:Lanuchbox can't remember the volume setting,it reset to system default value after restart launchbox. 3: Should loop play the game video.
  2. Merry Christmas!
  3. marcowy, As my test,must be GUID format I think,and there are 2 GUID in xml file for per item, U need change both (could be same value) to unique GUID.
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