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Everything posted by kedhrin

  1. hello i cant get mame to launch from launchbox properly. it works fine in the mameuifx and with a command line the roms are in the 'roms' subfolder of the root directory of mame some of these roms i have are doing weird things with the cmd saying files are missing and the like lets take burger time - if i try to open burgertime in mameuifx it lists "burger time (midway)" simply double clicking it fires it up with no issues what so ever. now if i open cmd and type 'mame64.exe burgertime' it lists potential names for it, typing 'mame64.exe btimem' launches it no problem. in launch box there is only one entry for burger time found for me and it says 'burger time (Data east set 1)' launching it does nothing - using the cmd for burgertime i saw the potential name for the 'data east set 1' and entered that "btime" and it spits out this in the cmd window: d:\MAME>mame64.exe btime aa04.9b NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) aa06.13b NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) aa05.10b NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) aa07.15b NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) aa12.7k NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) aa8.13k NOT FOUND (tried in btime btime) FATALERROR: Required files are missing, the machine cannot be run. so i'm ASSUMING that launchbox found the burger time rom but is trying to launch it with a filename that doesn't match what i have exactly.... now i'm just using burgertime as one example, not a single rom is working and unfortunately the cmd window closes too fast for me to see what the error message is - but i'm only assuming that its all pretty much the same. any help would be appreciated, so close to having this mame arcade setup in my living room :)
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