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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Hello all, I'm trying to set up multiple controllers for a single game in dosbox (I was going to set-up some fighting games). I thought I'd just use the keymapper, but it didn't work. At times, it didn't recognize the second contoller at all, some of the buttons were missing or overlapping, etc. Worst of all, once I unplugged a controller, it usually didn't recognize it at all, once plugged back in and restarted the program with the saved key-settings. Is there an easier and surefire way to set them up?
  2. I don 't see any duplicates
  3. How do I check for the first issue? The second issue probably isn't there in this case, I have nothing within the "view/hide games" menu checked.
  4. Hello, I was redirected here from the bug report page. Here's my issue: Sometimes, when I import some games, and reopen launchbox afterwards, those entries are just gone. A common aspect of them, is that they’re not automatically imported, instead I have to type in all the metadata. I was told to check \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder for extra xml files in there that are backups or copies of the original platform xaml files, since this can cause the disappearing games issue. I didn't find any. Each platform has just one file there. I'm using Launchbox v.13.18
  5. Oh yeah, and thank you Jason! Have a great holiday!
  6. Launchbox is the best! Thanks a lot for this giveaway-thingy!
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