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Everything posted by fromm

  1. Jason Carr said fromm said Would it be possible to have it prioritize .m3u files. This is the common way of launching multigame discs with Retroarch for PS1. This would allow people to compress all discs plus the m3u into one archive... Absolutely, will be in the next beta. Perfect. Now the only thing left for me to leave Rocketlauncher completely behind is a progress bar showing the extraction progress (using the Fade In option in Rocketlauncher for this). I am wondering whether I should ask for this feature with a feature request ?
  2. Jason Carr said Just put out a new beta that hopefully fixes the above issues with the bin/cue and mdf/mds archives. Thanks again guys, let me know if you run into any additional issues with this new beta. Would it be possible to have it prioritize .m3u files. This is the common way of launching multigame discs with Retroarch for PS1. This would allow people to compress all discs plus the m3u into one archive...
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