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Everything posted by tomf80

  1. My mistake on the batch file, I had put an extra dot in the filename. Working on a TV is difficult. It seems the problem was under the associated emulators tab, I didn't choose the preferred core, so nestopia was being called rather than fceumm. Can we get a debug checkbox that logs the exact command given to make troubleshooting these kind of things easier in the future? Thanks. For RetroArch specifically more so than other emulators, the name in the associated path and the name on the left hand side in RetroArch need to match so that it knows what core to load. So in this case Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is the default name, so that would need to be the name used in both. Not sure what you mean here, but I got it working. Thanks.
  2. I am having the same problem. I can launch RA from a command prompt using a zipped rom just fine. However, Launchbox doesn't do anything, aside from increment the play count, when trying to launch a game. I added -L cores\fceumm_libretro.dll to the command line parameters. I also tried adding an absolute path to the core dll. Unfortunately, nothing happens. I have also tried using retroarch_debug.exe, which displays a console window when launched, to see what is going on, however it disappears to quick. That lead me to make a batch file to capture the command being given to retroarch.exe, however, Launchbox refuses to launch .cmd or .bat files, saying the file was not found. I believe this to be an unfortunate programmer decision, as it makes debugging and customization more difficult. The full command I gave to RA to make it run is: d: etroarch etroarch.exe -L cores\fceumm_libretro.dll "c:\launchbox\games\Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)\Bubble Bobble (USA) [Hack by Dragon Eye Studios v1.0] (~Bubble Bobble Madness).zip" Aside from specifying the path to retroarch.exe in the actual command the sample command in the manage editors is identical. I wonder, is Launchbox not specifying the path to the ROM? Please, add some debugging to Launchbox so we can simply resolve these issues.
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