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  1. I've just logged on to ask the same question I submitted 18 games to the BBC Micro section. All have been accepted, but only 5 show up in the actual database catalogue!
  2. Thanks for the help. I think the problem is I'm trying to sync my BBC Micro collection, and at present there arnt any in the database, is this why it wont sync, there not actually there to start with? So I guess i just wait till Version 6.0
  3. I figured it was something like that, and the answer is no, ive just created my collection from scratch, no outside info. So the next question is, how do I add an ID to my game so it shows up in the database? (Sorry if this is a stupid question!)
  4. Im a bit confused as to what this is supposed to do, when I click 'Sync to my collection'. It displays the message 'Yove successfully synced your collection the Launchbox Database - do you want to view it now' However when I view my collection there is nothing there? What does 'Sync' actually then do?
  5. I've a question to ask about moderating, how do you go about changing / or suggesting that the platform is wrong? Your not able to edit the platform of a game within the database. I'm trying to help moderate the BBC / Electron games, noticed that the few games that are in the Electron platform were not in fact ever released on that platform.
  6. Hi. Id like to help contribute / moderate to the Database, I have a vast knowledge of the BBC / Acorn Electron systems, I've helped out a lot on BBC / Electron start.dot web site so I've been involved in this thing before, not been over confident, looking at the entries already set out in the Database for the Acorn Electron are incorrect in places. Always pleased to help in any other way I can.
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