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Posts posted by graf

  1. 32 minutes ago, lordmonkus said:

    I remember having this issue and if my memory is correct the way to solve it was to go to the Video drop down menu, then set either one or both (I set both) Fullscreen Resolution (Vertical and Horizontal) to match your monitors resolution, 2560x1440 in my case. You may also want to set Fullscreen Bitdepth to 32-bit, though I don't know if that will cause or fix any problems, mine is set to 32.

    I did what u told me and also the following

    video > select bliter > expertimental (direct x 9 gfx)

    that fix the issue .

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  2. hello,

    I manage to get FBA wotking with launchbox . But when I goto full screen it does this

    -a black screen with the game in the middle on low res

    When I play around with the res settings it pops up with a error 

    "Problem setting '1357895832x1357896096x0bpp (oHz)' display mode."

    then goes back to a windows screen to play the game.


    Any idea how to fit it ?

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  3. I have imported over 2000 mame roms into launchBox but now there are so many games there that I would never play. Is there a easy way where I can delete the roms/game from LaunchBox ? Like I can delete the game from LaunchBox but if I re-import the mame roms again then the game will come back in. Is there a way where I can set up a favouriate list in MAME and just import the mame roms from that list ? Also how can I redit the mame to only import orgional roms. Or do I have to do it all over again ?
  4. Sorry for being a noob but got a question. I am building a aracde machine to play my mame collection. I purchase BigBox launch box. and I like what I see. I have tested my emu account and it works. How do I now dowload the video as I have everything else ?
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