SagaXIV said
Got it working fine.
After reading a long thread about this issue on the Beta of in house streaming, I found that some adjustments need to be made on the client machine version of steam as well.
If anyone runs into a similar issue, make sure to check your BigPicture setting both on your host AND client machine.
I'm having the same problem with VLC playing in the upper left hand corner while the rest of the screen is black while streaming to my Steam Link. Can you tell me what settings you changed, or where that thread is you mentioned? Nothing I've done or changed has been able to fix this.
I would just use WMP, but for some reason when streaming through the Steam Link the sound coming from the videos is way too loud and distorted. VLC plays the sound fine, but the video is messed up. WMP plays the video fine, but the sound is messed up. Does anybody have any idea how to fix either of these issues? I've been trying all night (just got Premium) but I haven't gotten anywhere