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Posts posted by m3TTwUrsT

  1. OK best method would be to unbind the buttons or giv them other key binding in retroarch like the other one said. If u had some remote like one4all you could have changed the frequent but not with a Samsung. Sorry about that. Hope you can solve it like that. 

  2. What kind of remote do you have??? What TV and other systems are you using with it? And how did you configurate this remote? Is there more than one way to configurate the remote??? If I can get some more data (TV model, remote model etc.) I could help you maybe a little more. Hope so ?

  3. i fixed  part of my problem. in launchbox itself, the pause menu is working! But in bigbox still the same problem. pause window starts but not as an active window, so it is in background (not showing even the option is checked to force window). from here i can press ALT+Tab to switch to pause window......

    maybe part of my problem is my Multi monitor System, but i choose the right monitor in bigbox settings. maybe someone got some more ideas to solve this prob ......


  4. huhu here is a script found, written for AutoHotKey. Actually it is maximazing every new window.....

    WinGetActiveTitle, Title
    IfNotInString, MyItemList, %Title%
    EnvSet, MyItemList, %MyItemList% %Title%
    sleep 1000


    I hope this`ll work. I could not test it before!

    Just let us now if its working the way you wanted it to be ;-)



  5. hi all,

    i tried to find a solution but could not find any here.... 

    Everytime i import games and try to download artwork and everything else via wizard, it is only downloading the stuff from launchbox database.

    After the import process is done and i try to download for a game manually it finds the missing videos from emumovies and i am able to download them.

    Maybe there arlready is a topic open and i coulndt find it.

    if not, what can i do to download all metadata at once (wiki, Launchbaox Database and Emumovies).

    of course i do have a premium account for emumovies.



  6. as i know it is possible to configurate a cfg file for each game when loaded. soooooo if u have games for a stick, you have to tell retroarch to load the cfg file for sticks, and if you have games for a gamepad tell it to load the other cfg file. i know it is a bit of work if u have a lot of games but i guess this is one of the best solutions.... greetz
  7. this is really hard to find..... i tried to search for top 25 or top 50 snes games in germany but the lists arent actually different compared to us lists...... but here a goood tip for snes.... "Terranigma" for Super Nintendo! (http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/1692) Never released in us, only in jap and europe! and its worth it, if u ll like games like zelda or secret of mana ;-) p.s. if i find a special list for europe or jap i`ll let you know.......and if u find one pls let mee know too ;-) CoolCool
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