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Everything posted by dimercu9

  1. I am not getting any error or anything. Haven't had any issues with Launchbox until today. I can't open on my windows 10 pc. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. This issue appears to be back on my newest version. Anyone have a resolve outstide of just waiting?
  3. Bumping this, hoping to get some guidance! Thanks!
  4. I am looking to add a 2nd build of launchbox/big box for my only arcade set-up. I currently have a full application for 2-4 controllers that I use as my systems cabinet and often stream over wifi. I am looking to use this same computer to put into an arcade machine with a Tankstick and ball; however, I still want to be able to use the streaming wtih controllers when I would like to play on my couch. All in all, I would like to keep my existing Launchbox/Big Box set-up in tact, but also set-up another instance for just the arcade using all the same existing roms and artwork which I dont mind mapping again. Is this possible? Would i be better off just downloading a 2nd frontend and operating that way?
  5. I paid the donation fee for the premium and entered my email in for the download as well; however, I have not received either link via email yet. Can someone please help me with this? I am hoping to set this up now that I am off of work.
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