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Everything posted by glaymore

  1. @FistyDollars, That's exactly what Cognition is: you run all episodes through a central launcher, you can't run them directly. Actually, you cannot even buy them separately, they're only available as a single package. Still, I'm okay with separate DB entries for separate episodes, why not? Maybe some people want to be able to rate each episode separately, or whatever. That's absolutely okay in my book. But an entry for the full game is a logical thing to have in the database. Well, we'll wait and see Cannot agree more!
  2. Looks like moderators are not responding to this. Ok, I'll resubmit the entry and hope it is not rejected for weird reasons :)
  3. Checked the database for Telltale games - Game of Thrones, Tales of Monkey Island, Tales from Borderlands, Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us - all of these games are episode-based and all of them were accepted into the database. Why decline Cognition? This moderation doesn't make sense to me :)
  4. I'm not sure how the episode-based games are handled right now -- should we have each episode as a separate database entry? Should we have a single entry for the full game? Both? For example, currently we have db entries for Cognition Episode 1 and Episode 2. I've tried to add the full 4-episode game but it was rejected as a duplicate for Episode 1, which sounds kinda weird. So, what's the right way to handle episodic games? The guidelines are pretty vague on the topics (only "significantly different" editions are allowed, whatever that means). Thanks!
  5. Should I post it to a different forum maybe?
  6. Looks like something is wrong in LB with sorting by custom fields. The sorting is completely random instead of ascending/descending, and even funnier, it's randomized every time LB is restarted. Not sure it this makes sense :) English is not my native language, sorry. Please see the screenshots, they are self explanatory.
  7. Rejection votes continue coming in, resulting in game entries rejected without any explanation info. Even weirder, my entries are getting zero approval votes, and I honestly don't think they are THAT bad :) Something is definitely wrong here.
  8. SentaiBrad What I see is as before, "Approvals: 0, Rejections: 2, Status: Pending", no information icons. Maybe the icon only appears after 3 rejection votes accumulate? In any case, it would be nice to be able to see rejection reasons for each vote as they come in.
  9. SentaiBrad >> If you added it as "Tom Clancy's SSN" (Windows)", then that could be a very good reason why they rejected it No that's not it. The game name is "Tom Clancy's SSN", and the platform is "Windows". The entry really looks valid to me, so it's probably some bug or misunderstanding, rather than decisive rejection by moderators. I'll greatly appreciate it if Jason would be able to find time to look into the issue (it could affect other submitters, beyond just the topic-starter and me). P.S. Absolutely no need to apologize :) the project is fantastic as it is, you guys are heroes. Some kinks in the system are inevitable, nothing to worry much.
  10. I don't know how to give a direct link, but, for example, yesterday I submitted an entry for "Tom Clancy's SSN" (Windows). This game is not a duplicate, the entry is valid, complete with box art and screenshots, etc. Now it has 2 reject votes and 0 accept votes. Clearly, the moderators see something wrong with it, and I'd like to know what the problem is, so I can fix it and re-submit. Same with my entry for "Wages of War: The Business of Battle"—rejection votes come in and I have no way to find out what's wrong and how to fix it. It would help if we could actually see the rejection reasons the moderators provide. As of now, it's sort of disconnected, you only see "Rejection votes: 2", and that's it, no explanation. A feedback system would be very helpful here, I think.
  11. Same with my entries for old Windows 95 games (Tom Clancy's SSN, Wages of War). Rejection votes just come in, unexplained. Looks pretty weird, never happened before.
  12. Hi, I just discovered "List view" option in LaunchBox (after a year of active use lol), and I wonder if it is possible to customize the view in any way? Move the columns around, or hide some of the columns, like in MS Excel? The functionality is probably in there somewhere, but I cannot locate it. I have created a few custom fields for my games, too; how can I display these custom fields in List view? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  13. It sure would be nice to have some functionality to merge versions of a developer or publisher. For example, we now have "Blizzard", "Blizzard Entertainment", "Blizzard Entertainment Inc.", and "Blizzard Entertainment, Inc." - 4 different entries for one company. Even worse, "Broderbrund Software", "Broderbund", "Brøderbund", "Broderbund France", "Broderbund Software", "Brøderbund Software", "Brøderbund Software, Inc.", "Brøderbund Software, Inc." - 8 entries for one company. Of course, we can manually edit the Developer and Publisher fields in every affected game, but this takes a lot of time and effort both for the person who makes the edits and the person who reviews/approves them. Any better solutions would be greatly appreciated :)
  14. Hi Jason! As we already have "Completed" field in game details, maybe you could also add "Complerion date" next to it? This could be of help for those of us who like to look back on their past conquests :) Hope it's not too much trouble to implement? BTW, just wanted to let you know that your frontend is a thing of beauty. Enjoying it immensely! Premium was definitely worth every cent of it.
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