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File Reviews posted by Mithrot


       15,428    136

    One of the best theming projects on the site, next to Emulation Station and the GPD Win theme. However the major criticism I have that stops this collection from being ideal is all the inconsistencies across the themes. What I mean is things like:

    • PS1 theme has a scanline effect on the videos (which I love), but not the others.
    • Sega Saturn theme features the covers/discs being spun around after X amount of time (which I hate), but you don't have a choice to disable this if you don't want it.
    • Following this, the N64 theme doesn't seem to rotate covers/carts at all while the PS1 theme gives you a choice.
    • Sega Saturn theme puts clear logos at the bottom for some reason.
    • Etc

    All these inconsistencies just makes each theme stand out in a bad way, beyond just the cover art. I believe it's in the author's best interest to sit down and decide what exactly he/she wants for every theme in the project and apply it equally across all themes. Otherwise, this is fantastic work and I hope to see more platforms added soon.


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