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Everything posted by dylstew

  1. Not sure if I want to renew at the moment (love the program but short on money), but: if I upload my launchbox.xml file to even attempt to renew it says ''Upload Failed: File size error.''
  2. In my music player Musicbee, it is possible to copy any image on the internet, right click the album, and then click paste to to put the image as the mp3tag for the front album cover. What if Launchbox could do this too, you just copy an image from the internet, right click and paste it on the game, and now it's the front cover art work. That'd make adding images for things like fangames less of a hassle.
  3. I think making big box paid is the perfect way to let the free version be perfectly usable, but give fans of the program an incentive to pay. The guy making this puts a lot of time and effort into updating it, so he deserves to get some money thrown at him as support.
  4. Changing it back to e works for now, I guess.
  5. Edit: Nevermind, I found it, just had to leave ''game music path'' blank.
  6. It's pointing to the right path and works fine in Retroarch. It really does seem like the only difference between Pokemon and other games is the é. edit: I removed the é, not it works. Thing is, if you import a pokemon game without the é, it won't recognize the metadata.
  7. Retroarch can play my Pokemon games just fine, but no matter what I do when I click a Pokemon GBA game in Launchbox nothing happens!, yet all other games launch fine through it :/.
  8. Aah, so all that time I just clicked the wrong button! Thanks.
  9. Ah, I wanted to say the error was still there but then I restarted again (forgot to this time) and the error seems to be gone! Thanks :D. It''s okay dude, it's really good software and you guys helped very quickly. Was definitely worth my money, it's so much easier to use than alternatives out there and still great. The only things I'd like to see are the map select for the roms you import allowing you to type in a directory, being able to bulk edit the rom file path (I had done it now with search and replace in Notepad ++), on that screen where you select which files to import to make it able to sort by filetype so I can easily remove stuff like .ips files in program, and a way for it to remember to keep certain stuff unticked on the emumovies image selection screen. The database also doesn't really seem to put in game Series but I'll just do that manually with the search feature. It's all pretty small stuff, but I love how I now finally have something to organize my games with. I've always loved ID3 tagging my music so now I can do it with games too.
  10. Thanks. Do you think he'll put it online today in my timezone (It''s 18:52 over here)? or will I have to wait until tommorow?
  11. Sure, I've got one! When it's back up, if I select already imported games and click Download Metadata and Images, will it update to the new Metadata if the new data is different? Or will I have to re-add the games to make sure it's all up to date?
  12. Ah, yeah. When I look at the error, it's just that I can't connect to the database. Thanks for responding so extremely quickly!
  13. Whoops, I accidentally typed 6.1, but I'm on 6.2.
  14. I can''t download the updated Metadata for 6.1, it keeps giving a 404.
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