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Mount Doom

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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. Mount Doom

    Amiga part 2

    Nice one mate. Thanks for knocking these videos out and helping folk get up and running with this platform.
  2. Mount Doom

    Amiga part 1

    Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 from about 5 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_S_10.5
  3. Mount Doom

    Amiga part 1

    Awesome! Thanks for the tip about the MD5 checker. I think part 2 would be much appreciated. I'm having a bit of a mare with hdf's in retroarch. I can get them to play after your tip about changing the the model to 1200 but retroarch crashes everytime I exit so it doesn't save any changes . I found a way around this by loading an adf file, making the change to 1200 then I could save the core override and exit. Strange one. Maybe it's my tablet or version on retroarch. Who knows. At least I found a kind of workaround.
  4. Mount Doom


    You absolute legend. Got it up and running. Thank you so much!
  5. Mount Doom


    orac31, I would also appreciate that 'how to' video. I'm getting the below screen while trying to launch .hdf amiga files using retroarch. Getting closer, but no cigar just yet
  6. Hi All. How is the new 'Games Missing Media' function working for people? I seem to have an issue where the lists don't refresh once media has been downloaded. This is happening after Launchbox requests to update the missing media list, and closing and re-opening LB. In the example below I had 2381 missing clear logos, so I used the download media option in the tools menu and it successfully downloaded most of them. After refreshing it still shows 2381 games with missing logos.
  7. Mount Doom


    I've just started playing around with 'Uae4all2' from the Play store and so far it successfully runs Amiga games but only in .adf and .adz formats....which is a bit of an arse as my collection are archived .lha
  8. Hi all, Can anyone help with this MAME issue? I'm getting the below text popping up when I exit a game. It doesn't happen every time but it is quite frequent and annoying. Especially with the new start/exit screens (which I'm loving btw)....when this happens the exit screen will turn black for the duration of this report and I only see this 'error' when I ALT/TAB. Running Launchbox 9.2 beta 6. Win 10 and MAME 0.202. Thanks in advance and wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
  9. Fantastic! This worked perfectly. Thanks for your help guys ??
  10. Thanks for getting back Neil, much appreciated.
  11. No change, just tried it. 3840 x 2160 at 150% Scale. Been running fine on a 4K screen for about 5 months now. Even with the scaling. I've been playing around with setting up Rocket Launcher over the last few days and I think it happened around the time I was changing Emulator settings and matching a few Platform names in LB. Seems completely unrelated I know.
  12. Hey all, I'm missing the check boxes in my media download section and it all looks a bit squished. There was a new beta update today which didn't resolve the issue. Anyone know of a fix or is it easier to re-install LB? Cheers
  13. Wonderful!!! I've never used the audit tool before. All that info at my fingertips now. Thanks guys
  14. Thanks for the reply dragon57. That's a good work around for my Arcade example. I used the search <MissingVideo>true to find the culprit. Gonna get real impractical for the hundreds of missing videos and other media over 40 odd platforms though. Would be nice if I knew enough coding and could temporarily change the xml file for each platform at a time to show the games with missing media right in LB. I'll have a think about the best solution for this. Thanks again.
  15. Hey all. I'm currently sorting through my LB collection in an attempt to get every game with at least a front box image, clear logo and video. I know there are options to hide missing media but is there a way to show missing media instead? Am I missing something or is there a workaround? For example, I have 804 games in my Arcade section. When I select 'Hide Games Missing Videos' in the View tab the amount of games drops by one to 803. Is there a way to find out which game this is without scrolling through every one? Cheers
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