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Everything posted by strawdog

  1. Hi Guys, I've been googling like a madman but not finding any up to date retroarch tutorials for this issue. I have an ipac2 set up in my arcade cabinet, snes runs great, mame runs fine, BUT I cannot seem to work out how to configure individual cores. I want to remove the keyboard and just use the 6 buttons and sticks configs but C64 and other old computer systems use a bunch of random keyboard keys (such as run/stop, F1 F3 etc) - so I guess each core has to be edited from within RA individually? I have tried - For example, I load a Commodore 64 game in retroarch, I pause and bring up the menu but under controls, the key binds for user one are locked - I cannot edit and therefore cannot save. I have altered the controller from retropad to keyboard but still no use. I am running RA 1.7.6, hoping someone can point me in the right direction. thanks
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