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1-Bit Wonder

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  1. Alright rookie mistake to the extreme. Found out my issue. While I set up LEDBlinky proper I never clicked run LEDblinky in the options for launchbox. Anyone having a brain fart like me that is the easy fix.
  2. My apologies if this is not the right place to post this but I am stumped. I have been waiting for LEDblinky to come along and was stoked to see it added in 6.9 but I can not for the life of me get it to work with launchbox or big box. I have mapped the controls and can test all the led's in the configure screen and they work perfect. I added in the links to the specified files in the mame config and launchbox tabs as per the instructions but when I launch either of the boxes nothing. I am sure it is just some minor oversight on my part but I am going crazy trying to get it to run. Ledblinky version 6.3, MAME 0.175 (using mame64.exe) , LEDpac for led control, the control.ini file is from the ledblinky site, mame.xml was generated through the command prompt. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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