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Posts posted by Tony

  1. 11 minutes ago, fromlostdays said:

    "I paid for it so it's my software"

    If its yours, fix it any way you want it, amigo,

    If you don't know, you can't in a compiled .exe without changing the checksum and going through a more elaborate means to defeat the checksum routine. Possible but not worth my time. It's barely worth my time for the initial suggestion but I can't do that without at least three more people getting offended and me having to defend the initial suggestion. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, fromlostdays said:

    I'm just curious, but do you find it upsetting when an artist signs their paintings? 

    No, names aren't phrases for or against killing certain people or telling them that if they don't believe in the same gods, that they're going to nifleheim, hell, hades or whatever world is the flavor of that religion if you don't believe in their gods. Names have no connotation.

    18 minutes ago, fromlostdays said:

    "I want to use your awesome software, but I want it on my terms."


    "Can you please take yourself out of your creation, I like the one but not the other."

    I'm sorry you had troubles. It sucks. But then, we all do. If you're looking for grace, look to the people who believe the same things you did and just rolled with the punches because maybe everyone deserves to be "mildly" annoyed occasionally if the end justifies the means. 

    An author is not a religious text. Just like I'm not my lack of belief in one god or another, I'm not going to sign my professional work with 'God is dead - Nietzsche' because I respect the people's beliefs that pay me for my work. And you're strawmanning here with the first phrase. I paid for it so it's my software and I prefer to not have it subversively spray another middle-eastern ideology in my face as I got enough of that a decade ago. If we all rolled with the punches and just accepted whatever people believed and didn't seek more truths, we'd still be living in the dark ages but I stand up for my beliefs. I let it be known I don't support, with my own hard-earned money, any ideologies that I don't agree with. If you don't like what I say, fine, but let it be known I won't pay for software from a group that still supports me not running for legal office even though I fought and risked my life for this country so people could be free to preach to me. I'm sure not going to pay for more of it. I don't care if you have to read more words, you ask more questions, I answer more. The same could be said for yourself with being concise. It's a simple suggestion that I barely cared to mention but you can't do that without people getting in a bind with a simple suggestion. 

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  3. Quote

    Those are only words for me, without meaning so why do they bother me?

    Because some of those phrases are used to harm society and people. In some ways too intolerant, in some ways too tolerant when there needs less. In some ways, ideas that seemed true then but proven false now. I'm on the other side, I just don't see why it's that big a deal to implement such phrases in software. I won't abstain from purchasing good software from a Muslim but I'll be sure to let him/her know that if they try to embed quotes from the Quran in their software, I'm going to think twice about buying it next time. Not because I'm intolerant of that religion or religion at all but it may endorse things that I don't care to and I'm not going to pay to endorse a pet ideology someone may have, only the software relevant to me; that's all I'm saying. Again, I'm not saying he can't, I'm giving a suggestion; one which I think would be more respectful to customers if they're not aware when they buy software that they're going to be mindblasted with more quotes from more religions and gods, something many of us have had enough of these days. In Afghanistan I had to fear Muslims blowing me up for not believing in their god and come back home here and you have people using their religions to buy more minds and if you don't buy into it, you can't run for legal office or you get hounded by people who believe in various gods of some form or another. When you speak up about a mild annoyance like now, people can't seem to take it gracefully that it's a bit annoying. It's not even that big a deal but it becomes a big deal because I have to write paragraphs to explain a mild annoyance. I figured it would and sure enough, it seems to devolve into the theological over a simple suggestion. I feel many people would feel the same but just wouldn't want to speak up nor did I really because I knew people would make a big deal about it and I'd have to write a bunch of replies to defend myself. Not only that but I don't want to annoy Jason any even though I'd consider it a more respectful and professional choice.   

    Just a simple opt-in/opt-out, as you suggested, would suffice such as 'which quotes from which religions would you like to be mindblasted with today' and give me one like 'no thanks, I get enough of that from the mother-in-law' or something. But also cheers to you and Jason and staff. I hope they're enjoying Retropalooza. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    I'm sorry it just seems that your suggestion is extremely arrogant to me. 

    I don't view it as such. Take what I said, for instance, to do unto others. I wouldn't want to embed a quote by Nietzsche professing lack of belief in gods in my software because I know many people have many varying beliefs which could be just as valid as my own and I think it'd be offensive if I did such a thing, especially when they're just wanting to game and relax with a product they purchased. That's why I prefaced my initial comment with warning that it's hard to even suggest an idea like this because people can take such offense; your comment seemed to prove just as much. I'm sure I can make a suggestion about the software in any way and chances are you wouldn't get as offended. When you get in this territory, it seems politically incorrect to offer a suggestion lest an army come out and attack you. Politicians can criticize anything these days but criticize religion and you're hounded. Leave it be and let Jason think about it, it's his choice. There's just no need to be so hyper-vigilant about such a benign suggestion. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    I'm an atheist personally myself and I feel that this is Jason's website and if he wants to  express his beliefs on his site or in his program then that is his choosing if that would influence you not to purchase the product that is your and anyone else who feels the same ways options. While you bring up a valid point and that it could influence others not to purchase the product on the flip side if you value your beliefs strongly enough then that wouldn't even matter and you would be perfectly content selling it to those who either shared your views or those who were tolerant enough to allow you to express them as you see fit. One of my major complaints about most religious people is that they are extremely intolerant it is a shame to see an atheist showing the same intolerance that we have been trying to free ourselves from since the church persecuted Copernicus

    I do value my beliefs, that's why I speak up. This isn't intolerance, it's a suggestion. An example of real intolerance is atheists in my state not being able to run for legal office or even jury duty because you have to profess believe in gods officially. I'm just stating that I see enough of the battling over minds in everyday life and when I want to relax, it's not something I want to be blasted with. Besides, you can only have so much tolerance before intolerant beliefs try to take over what you can or can't do in life. My beliefs aren't ones which value tolerance first and foremost, they value truth. 

    Before you go on an impulsive tirade, read again that it's a suggestion, not a demand.

  6. I noticed quotes from the Christian bible in the about fields in Launchbox which links to biblegateway.com. I'm fine with and encourage seeking something more about this life as I've done for twenty years in reading various philosophical and religious texts which led me to a secular conclusion. I realize this isn't an easy topic to discuss without irritating people but religion, to me, is like politics and best left out of professional applications. I don't think I could buy Launchbox again if I'm fed religious text from various supposed gods just like a theist would be annoyed if I put atheist quotes in my applications espousing lack of belief in any gods. Do unto others, right? If I'm searching for the more meta things in life, I turn to philosophical and religious texts. If I'm looking to game, have fun and I discover I'm using a program that tries to preach to me things that I've previously analyzed in life and then concluded aren't correct, it's just an annoyance and makes me think there's alterior motives there and that they're looking at me to buy more than their business, they're looking to buy minds.  

    Yes, I realize you think you're intending well but besides not being truth to me and many others, quoting religious texts about your god takes a swipe at your customer's beliefs who believe otherwise and it's just not a professional thing to do. When people want religion, philosophy, politics, etc they'll seek it out, it's not something that should be shoved into their faces. We see it all the time on TV and internet anyway. The rare times I game, it should be a break from all the people trying to buy and influence your mind with their ideologies. I like you personally, Jason, you seem like a kindred spirit who is on the same path as I and searching for the more meta things in life so I don't intend any offense here but merely offering a suggestion. I just don't think I could buy it again if I feel like I'm paying to support an ideology that I don't support and view as incorrect.  

    Also unrelated but I just got upon updating, "Unable to download update: An exception occurred during a WebClient request". I realized it's due to lack of space but a friendly "out of space on drive D" or whatever might prevent a few forum posts. 

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  7. I have 10,000+ games and on my 4.5ghz 6300, performance leaves a bit to be desired. One annoying thing is the time it takes for images to appear. The HDD only seems to take a hit when scrolling so I assume it's loading the images only when needed? I thought it would pre-cache the images into memory when loading the platform so you're not faced with blank artwork. Then again, I'm not a programmer and I assume you've already done what you could with this. But don't let that get you down, I'm very happy with it otherwise. 

  8. Also I can't seem to add Steam without it creating either an MS-DOS or Windows platform. Every time I delete the latter platforms, they auto create themselves again upon startup. I don't link to any DOS or Windows games so I'd just rather create a Steam platform alone. 

  9. Version: 6.10-beta-2

    It starts, then crashes with:

    System.ArgumentException: The key already existed in the dictionary.
       at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
       at (DataManager , String )
       at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager.LoadGames(String filePath)
       at (DataManager , Boolean , Boolean )
       at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager.Load(Boolean settingsOnly, Boolean forceReloadAll)
       at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager..ctor(Boolean bare, Boolean settingsOnly)
       at BigBox.App..ctor()
       at ()
       at BigBox.App.Main()

    Cause: I added Steam, quit, restarted and no issue. I then looked for media for the Steam platform so it might apply info, logo, and images. When I chose [LaunchBox DB] Steam (Windows) aka ID #20633 Launchbox ID, it made a new registry in my platforms and a new Windows.xml in Launchbox-->Data-->Platforms.

    Resolution: Delete either Steam.xml or Windows.xml in the directory.

    If it's any help, my Steam submenu links to a shortcut with "Steam.exe -bigpicture" instead of the real .exe. 

    I uploaded both xml's in case it helps since it seems to be a game-breaking bug. There's little difference in them other than paths. 


    Other than that and the database query being a bit too verbose, I'm pleased with the purchase. 

    Edit: Also a site bug. Every time I edit, the sentence spacing in the "code" area becomes wider with each edit.

  10. I know you can import Steam games but I'd rather use Big Picture mode to save me from having to import all my games and besides, there's certain nuances with PC games that I think Steam would handle better. So is there any way to just run an .exe file from the menu? It also might be handy for those using XBMC, Netflix, SlingTV or any other apps that would make it a more complete media center. Then again, Launchbox already uses VLC, maybe you could allow scraping videos and music. But just some ideas, I'd rather have gaming as a priority for LB as I know you're limited on time and personnel. There's other FE's that do media so just being able to link to them would be great though. 

  11. Just now, Jason Carr said:

    Are you guys seeing this with EmuMovies or the LaunchBox Games Database?

    I noticed that it's mostly an issue with the Launchbox database. It's just a bit too verbose sometimes which is great in some ways so it doesn't mislabel but a few changes to do with colons and characters like "é" along with a few other common characters used in English from other languages would save a bit of time and there's little worry of mislabeling with those. 

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  12. I noticed that games with a colon in the name, sometimes all I have to do is delete the colon and it finds the game. Also games with "e" instead of "é" such as the Pokemon series aren't recognized in the database. I also had issue with pluralities or just one letter being off sometimes. Is it possible to use the google search API because it works very well at knowing what you're searching for and I'm sure coding a complex search function yourself would be a heavy endeavor when there's higher priorities. 

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  13. 9 hours ago, Zombeaver said:

    What I would do is duplicate your Gambatte_Libretro.dll (or whatever it's called) and rename the duplicate to "Gamebatte_Libretro_Color.dll" (or whatever you want) and then update your Retroarch emulator entry in LB to direct your Game Boy Color platform to that .dll instead of the normal one - now the two can have their shaders set separately. Load up a Game Boy game and set your shader. Load up a Game Boy Color game and set your shader. Done.

    Normally I would just create an entirely separate "emulator" entry in LB for the purposes of dividing out certain options that I want to be able to quickly switch between (as mentioned in the post below) but so long as you have Game Boy and Game Boy Color divided into separate platforms, you wouldn't even need to do that - that method is what I use when I want to divide out the same platform for a number of different options

    I'm still working on setting this up but in the meantime, I found some Atari Lynx images, edited them and created a simple Lynx shader package for anyone interested. I couldn't find one anywhere on the internet. 

    Also google drive link for visitors because I hate having to make an account to download things I come across on the internet. There's 2 versions, one for both models.

    Edit: Still can't figure out how to switch between shaders on the fly, I did the above. Things would be so much faster with setting up my shaders if I didn't have to keep going into the RetroArch menu and manually choosing for each system. I'm addicted to trying out filters and after using emulators for years, it's great that we have some universal shaders to emulate bathing in the golden light of crt's, to paraphrase Bad Religion there. With Hyperspin, frontends were getting the love they deserved. With Launchbox + RetroArch, this is something else, *Hank Hill voice* I tell you hwhwat, it's taking it to another level. If I was 10 again, I never dreamed we could have such awesome setups. 




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  14. I'm on 6.9 and everything works great except the back button sometimes doesn't function either with ESC or the back button on my 360 controller. I hear the sound as if it's supposed to function but it does nothing; I can't go back into the game selection screen, it just selects my previous selection in the menu. It seems to get confused in thinking I want to go back to a previous selection and gets stuck in a loop between both menu selections. Is this a known issue with the beta? I have just about the same issue if I press ESC too many times. My only other complaint also is that platform videos keep playing very occasionally when also viewing game menu videos though that's not as big a deal to me. I'm using the VLC options if it's any help.

    Edit: Also is there any place I can get the clear logos for NES? I went to emumovies and they don't have the same set as what's originally downloaded. I accidentally deleted a few I guess when I ran an image deduper with the wrong settings. 

    Edit 2: For any fellow noobs, I'd recommend not running any image de-duplicating programs because it can cause a bit of trouble as it did me. Some dupes, especially logos, are used across different systems and they may have the same hash. I think that caused me about an hour's worth of work to re-download some logos.

  15. I have a lot of images that I threw in from my Hyperspin set but I noticed that I also have duplicates from re-importing a few systems. Is there no way to just move them to a folder, that way I can run my own image dupe program? As I understand, it just deletes them totally or does it delete to the recycle bin?

    Edit: I fixed the above issue with de-dupe software. But is there any way to specify the location of certain slow-to-load media? When choosing games in regular mode, not sure about big box mode yet, but I have about a second or two before it loads and it leaves the interface busy so I can't do anything with it while loading the game info. I'd rather have the other hindering stuff on my SSD for faster loading if possible along with more relevant data that hinders the speed.

  16. I just bought the premium version yesterday and I'm loving it. But it seems to want to associate one emulator with many kinds of systems when possible but I like to keep a separate folder of the same emulator. For instance, Gameboy and Gameboy Color, I keep visualboyadvance in separate folders with separate configs. The problem comes when I try to change the emulator in "manage emulators", it seems to use the one I initially picked and I can't seem to change it even though I can clearly see that it points to the correct emulator folder in "manage emulators". 

    In other words, Gameboy and Gameboy Color keep using the same emulator and configuration despite me changing it. 

    Edit: I also noticed I can change the emulator to the correct one but only if I click on individual games and choose the emulator from there but it just doesn't do it for all games using the "manage emulator" menu. 

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