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  1. Good, Have fun!
  2. I've uploaded a new file with the fix, you'll have to download that one, the old one doesn't have the Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and Thumbs view in it.
  3. Download the new file and change Platforms view to Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and Thumbs, that should fix the problem, you can also select recents with mouse click.
  4. I've uploaded a new version of the theme with wheel views for platforms and games, check it out.
  5. The game view already has a box with the video, make sure you select VLC as a player in the BigBox options since WMP doesn't work with most videos. The video gets replaced with an image if there is no video for the game or the player can't read the format of the file.
  6. I'm not sure that I can keep the same feel for the other views but I'll see if I can do something.
  7. Good to know that the scrolling is working now, about the lag, I don't know that I can do anything about it, it's just the standard list used in the default theme. Do you feel the same lag while scrolling games too or just the platforms?
  8. I've uploaded a new version of the theme that should fix the issue, let me know if there is any problem.
  9. Since we can't really skin LaunchBox this will do. I don't have enough platforms to warrant a scroll so it could be a bug, I'll have to check it later this evening when I get back from work.
  10. I didn't realise that uploading the file would have created another thread, sorry about this.
  11. Thanks, hope you'll like it.
  12. MaterialBox View File Only the following views are implemented Games List View: Text List with Details Vertical Clear Logo Wheel Platform List View: Text List with Details Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and Thumbs Suggested transitions are: Filters Game Boxes Transition: Slide Horizontal Everything else: Fade Submitter Akezhar Submitted 09/22/16 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  13. Version 1.1.1


    Only the following views are implemented Games List View: Text List with Details Vertical Clear Logo Wheel Platform List View: Text List with Details Platforms Wheel with Video, Details, and Thumbs Suggested transitions are: Filters Game Boxes Transition: Slide Horizontal Everything else: Fade
  14. I've been working on this theme for a few days now and I thought some of you guys might enjoy it, it's a bit different from the themes that have been uploaded since it has more of a desktop layout and it's meant to be used with a mouse (should still work with a controller) having details and notes scrollable with the mouse wheel, smaller text and a couple of hover effects. It's not perfect but it's the first time that I do something like this and the first time I use XAML so let me know what you think of it.
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