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Everything posted by dwib82

  1. Thanks for the advise guys much appreciated
  2. Shows it in big box here
  3. I have seen a video where these themes are in big box so must be able to be done just not sure how lol
  4. hello guys. just wondered if some one could tell me where to place the themes for games.... for example I have a theme for the mame game 1941.... I have the theme for the airoplanes and art work to surround the game video but have no idea how to set it up. any help would be amazing thanks
  5. would you be kind enough to tell me where I need to place these files please? thanks
  6. thank you so much for your help ill go check them out
  7. sorry may I ask where to get the themes for the platforms please. so I now have the updated wheel on the left when selecting what platform. but on the right there is a video of a random game for that platform I would love to do what you have and have the themes for these if you don't mind helping or poining me towards how I can set this up.... cheers
  8. I can not believe it ha ha silly mistake or what... sithel you was correct.... cant thank you enough
  9. Hi guys I'm desperate to have this theme ha ha.... Looks brilliant. I have installed it in the themes folder and selected it in big box but nothing seems to change am I doing something wrong. Could it be my screen resolutions etc. If so can I change them? many thanks Wayne
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